



  Part I Oral Communication (10 points)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer sheet.

  Dialogue One

  A.How about you?

  B.Wanna join us?

  C.It's a long weekend.

  Tina: I'm so glad the weekend's finally here.

  Lewis: Me too. Imagine! 1 We've got three days in a row.

  Tina: So, where’re you going?

  Lewis: I don't have any plan yet. I'll just play it by ear. 2

  Tina: We're going to go hiking and camping in the mountains. Lewis: That sounds exciting!

  Tina: 3

  Lewis: Hm, let me think about it. I'll let you know later.

  Dialogue Two

  A. And I'd like the cheapest flight available.

  B. What is your destination?

  C. And when will you be returning?

  Travel Agent: Freedom Travel. How can I help you?

  Caller: Yes, I'd like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month.

  Travel Agent: Okay. 4

  Caller: Well. I'm flying to Helsinki, Finland.

  Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are available. 5

  Caller: Uh, well, I'd like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth. 6

  Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see. Um, that's flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki. It's only $980.

  Caller: Alright, let's go with that.

  Section B

  Directions: In this section there is one incomplete dialogue which has four blanks and four choices A, B, C and D, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  A. You're a Comp Lit major?

  B. What is your name?

  C. but the system won't let me.

  D. But that class is already full.

  Stuart: Hello. Can I help you?

  Karen: Yes. I hope so. I would like to register for Comp Lit 287.

  Stuart: I'm sorry. 7 And also, students are supposed to register through the touch-tone registration system.

  Karen: I know that. I already tried to register by phone, 8

  Stuart: That's because it's full.

  Karen: But I'm a new student here. I thought maybe there was some way I could get into the class.

  Stuart: Well, I could put you on a waiting list. But that doesn’t guarantee you will get into the class. 9

  Karen: My name is Karen Huang

  Stuart:Alright. And what is your major?

  Karen: I'm a comparative literature major.

  Stuart: Wait a minute. 10

  Karen: Yes, that's right. And Professor Cohen told me I need to take Comp Lit 287.

  Stuart: The university computer system saves extra places, in class 287 for Comp Lit students

  Karen: Even if the class is full?

  Stuart: That's right.

  Part II Vocabulary (10 points)

  Directions: In this part, there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  11.According to the minister, measures are being taken to introduce more diversity into the education system.

  A.difference B. adversity C. unity D. variety

  12. He would once in a while lose his temper when he found himself involved in an argument.

  A. rarely B. often C. occasionally D. seldom

  13.Intuition is something that cannot be proven, but many people believe in it and use it for decision making.

  A.Instinct B. Intelligence C. Rationality D. Experience

  14.A global company must be sensitive to the cultures and customs of the countries where it operates.

  A. patient B. generous C. emotional D. responsive

  15.At last John Smith stepped down as the company' s CEO and returned to his roots in software research.

  A.retired B. resigned C. revived D. reacted

  16. Immersed in their experiment, they had no idea what happened just outside their lab.

  A. Concentrated B. Addicted C. Absorbed D. Committed

  17. Last month the government initiated a public debate on the future direction of the sport policy.

  A. transmitted B. followed C. promoted D. launched

  18. My beard started to grow, and I unwillingly complied with the order to shave it off.

  A. considered B. questioned C. supported D. observed

  19. As the fighting intensified, the chances of any peace deal diminished.

  A. decreased B. changed C. disappeare D. expanded

  20. However superficially appealing such an idea might appear, it was irrational and reckless.

  A.possibly B. seemingly C. apparently D. practically

  Part Ill Reading Comprehension(25 points)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer sheet.

  Passage one

  Many people have looked to the stars and wondered what it would be like to take a trip into outer space. Ever since the space program began, traveling beyond Earth has been a privilege for a select few, namely, astronauts. The rest of us have had to imagine what it would be like, but that may soon change.

  Those who favor expanding space exploration feel that it is time to go beyond the government-funded National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) program and to create opportunities for individuals and businesses to explore outer space.Imagine privately financed research outposts in space, missions to Mars, and mining operations on the Moon. The space frontier could indeed be the next gold rush!

  Imagine what it would be like to travel in space. Those who have been lucky enough to visit space have all called it an amazing experience. The view of Earth and the stars must be spectacular, and the experience of living in"zero gravity "would be fascinating. The first American woman to visit space, Sally Ride, said that it was the greatest fun of her life. Imagine the thrill of booking a flight for a weekend stay (or longer )at a space hotel. It turns out that a space hotel would be much easier to design and build than the International Space Station; early estimates of the cost to build the hotels indicate that they would be less expensive if the orbiting hotels were built to accommodate large numbers of space travelers.

  The space hotel and the other projects businesses might think up would allow people to see what is happening in space with their own eyes. That may lead to more support of NASA and its space research and greater appreciation of the funding that the space program now receives.

  Those who oppose expanding space exploration argue that the costs are overwhelming and unrealistic. They point to the billions of dollars that would have to be raised through consumers or corporate sponsorship. In addition, civilian space travel is potentially dangerous, and there are many unknown risks Involved.

  Who would determine the safety of commercial orbiting vehicles, and how would they be insured?Issues like this require time for discussion among groups from many different businesses. Companies that specialize in manufacturing, travel, marketing, insurance, law and finance would all have to be involved.

  Others believe there are simply too many unanswered questions to put civilians in space any time soon.There are also those who question investing in space exploration when there are widespread problems like poverty and disease that need to be addressed on Earth. For these people, commercial space travel will remain science fiction, at least for many years to come.

  21.The expression"the next gold rush"(Para. 2 )probably means that

  A. space exploration could be the next investment hot spot

  B. investors are enthusiastic about gold mining in space

  C. private businesses are more interested in space travel

  D. gold might be discovered on remote planets

  22. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that

  A. space hotels would be very uncomfortable

  B. Sally Ride enjoyed her visit to outer space

  C. the view of Earth and the stars is boring

  D.space visitors regret what they have done

  23. All of the following are objections to commercial space travel EXCEPT

  A. potential dangers B. overwhelming costs

  C. government opposition D. unknown risks

  24. The authors attitude toward commercial space travel is_______.

  A. Indifferent B. objective

  C. supportive D. opposing

  25. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

  A. Exploration off Outer Space B Future of Private Space Businesses

  C Hotels in Space D Civilians in Space

  Passage Two

  As 170 people sat down to dinner, I breathed a sigh of relief: The conference was going well. Running it was part of my job as a university program manager, working on a project to boost biotech collaborations between academia and industry. When I started in the role a few years earlier, I thought that maybe, after years of career exploration, I had finally found the right job for me. But at the conference, I found myself wondering whether that was really what I wanted from my career. I'm a scientist, not an event planner--but I had been too busy organizing the conference to appreciate the research being discussed. Was it time for yet another change?

  I started off as a lab scientist, but then discovered that the highly focused nature of lab work wasn't for me. My next job was at a pharmaceutical company -conducting literature searches. I enjoyed the work, which allowed me to stay close to research. But I was only offered a short-term contract, so after a year I had to move on. I then became a scientific journal editor, I loved the breadth of science that I was exposed to, but the job required a lengthy commute. So, I made another dramatic change and got my current job.

  It had become a pattern: I spent a few years in each role only to find that it wasn't quite the right fit. I also realized that maybe I was searching for something that didn’t exist.

  I began to think about creative ways to add the scientific stimulation I sought to my work life. With my previous knowledge and my experience as an editor, I realized I had the skill set to do that through freelance science writing, such as news articles for journals and blogs.

  With my former colleagues positive responses, I finally decided I could do my university job on a less than full-time schedule. Fortunately my manager agreed.

  For the last year, I have been a university program manager/freelance writer, and I've never been happier. Weaving the two roles together has been a bit tricky at times. But I finally feel I have a career that is tailored to my needs. I’ve realized that a career doesn’t need to be off the shelf. Jobs can be mixed and matched to get to one that fits.

  26.What did the author think of his conference organizing job in Paragraph 1?

  A. It proved that he was making progress in his career

  B. It was not as meaningful as scientific research

  C. It was too challenging for him

  D. It gave him a sense of achievement

  27.The author left the job as a scientific journal editor because

  A. he was not satisfied with the pay

  B. it demanded high work intensity

  C. it was too far from home

  D. he was offered only a short contract

  28. What does"something"(Para. 3)possibly mean?

  A. An ideal job B. A balanced life

  C. A fixed pattern D. A suitable role

  29.What is the author's present job?

  A. He is an event planner and also a program manager.

  B. He teaches in a university and also writes books.

  C. He is a full-time manager and also a freelance writer.

  D. He works in a university and also writes on the side.

  30. What is this passage mainly about?

  A.The author's clear career plan.

  B.The author's changing perception of career.

  C.The author's persistence in the face of obstacles .

  D. The author's failure in securing a work contract.

  Passage Three

  Imagine that you're a fly. You're just looking for a place to rest,when you see a nice pink leaf. That looks like a nice place to land. As you rest your feet on the leaf, you notice something strange .This leaf is hairy. You begin to make your move, but you trigger the plant's reaction. Snap! In one-tenth of a second, you are caught in the Venus flytrap. You will be digested in five to twelve days.

  Out of about 391,000 plant species in the world, only 600 or so are carnivorous. We call them this because they attract, trap,and eat bugs. Like other plants, they get energy from the sun. But unlike other plants, they get their nutrients from their prey (猎物).Carnivorous plants live in places where the soil lacks nutrients. Most plants get nutrients from the soil. Carnivorous plants have turned to other sources.

  Pitcher plants trick their prey into landing on them. They offer nectar (花蜜)bribes to the foolish insects that would take them. True to their name, pitcher plants have deep chambers. Their landing surface is slippery. They have inward pointing hairs, making it hard to escape. The fly lands on the pitcher plant to eat but slips into a pit filled with digestive fluids.

  Corkscrew plants have inviting stems. Curved hairs line the inside of these stems. These hairs allow insects to go up the stems, but not back. Going forward leads to the plant's stomach. Bugs who wander into the corkscrew plant find that they are unable to escape. They must march to their own death.

  And then there are the bladderworts. They live in water and float near the surface. Their traps are like small bladders(囊状物)hidden beneath the water. Only their flowers are visible from the surface. When bugs swim into the trigger hairs, the plant reacts. The bladder sucks up the prey and the water surrounding it. The prey will be digested within hours.

  31.The word "carnivorous"(Para. 2) is closest in meaning to " ".

  A.nutritious B. bug-eating C. plant-eating D. attractive

  32.Which statement would the author most likely agree with?

  A.There are too many species of carnivorous plants.

  B.There are too few plant species in the world.

  C.Only a small number of plant species are carnivorous.

  D.The majority of plants are carnivorous.

  33.Carnivorous plants get their nutrients mainly from .

  A.Other plants B.the soil C.the sun D.their prey 34.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph ?

  A.There are many studies of carnivorous plants.

  B.The pitcher plant tricks bugs into its stomach

  C.The pitcher plant kills its prey in various ways.

  D.Some plants attract bugs by offering them nectar.

  35.As can be inferred, the corkscrew's chamber for digestion is located .

  A.somewhere towards its root

  B. somewhere towards its top

  C. inside its flowers

  D. inside its leaves

  Passage Four

  Serenity (宁静)is difficult to find in today's fast-paced world. A moment of complete calm seems to be a rare and wonderful find. For me, those precious moments occur on a boat. As legendary sailor Vito Dumas once said: "It's out there at sea that you are really yourself." On deck, enjoying awe-inspiring views, the cares of everyday life blown away on the sea breeze, you can appreciate his point.

  Flying is a misery. From airport chaos to the confined space of an aircraft, nothing about commercial aviation appeals to my sense of adventure—or comfort. Favouring boat travel isn't just about managing flight fear, though. Whether I'm on a short ferry crossing or a cruise, the sea provides a true sense of travel, from the impressive physical shift of a ship leaving port to its navigation of the open water. "We are tied to the ocean,"John F. Kennedy said. As my ship steers towards an exciting new destination, I feel that affinity.

  And I'm not alone. "The journey is part of the holiday,"says travel writer Helen Ochyra. I'll stand out on deck, whatever the weather, and watch the ropes being untied, the boat slipping away from the dock and the landscape drifting farther and farther away."

  Tom Bourlet,founder of the Spaghetti Traveller blog, agrees": On a plane,it's difficult to make out much more than grassland; on the ferry, there is something exciting about seeing land slowly getting closer."

  For Cathy Winston, travel editor, it's about the sense of adventure ."Even on a fairly simple journey from A to B, she says, "wide wide, open sea makes it feel like you could be off to discover new lands. There's a certain romance you don't get on a plane or on a motorway." Winston also values the family-friendly aspects of sea travel. "There's something so relaxing about being on the water, especially with kids," she says.

  Whether it's for kid-happy convenience or sheer romance, boats will always be the preferred mode of transport for many travelers. A boat gets me where I want to go, avoiding the rush—and terror— of air travel. And out on the waves, as reality melts away, I always rediscover my own passion for the sea.

  36.Which aspect of sea travel is emphasized in the first paragraph?

  A.Extraordinary view. B. Complete freedom.

  C. Peace of mind. D. Sense of adventure.

  37.The word "affinity"(Para. 2) is closest in meaning to "

  A.strong emotion B.close connection

  C.sheer excitement D.impressive moment

  38.Who is deeply impressed while watching the boat leaving the dock?

  A.Helen Ochyra. B.Vito Dumas.

  C.Cathy Winston. D.John F. Kennedy.

  39.According to Tom Bourlet, sea travel is better than air travel in that it

  A.enables people to engage in deeper thought

  B.gives passengers a better chance to relax

  C.provides a more comfortable environment

  D.offers a clearer view of the landscape

  40.According to the last two paragraphs, sea travel has all the following benefits EXCEPT .

  A.being family-friendly B. satisfying an adventurous heart

  C. promoting a healthy lifestyle D. providing relaxation

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and the comments on it. The blog and comments are followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  One of the central principles of raising kids in America is that parents should be actively involved in their children’s education: meeting with teachers, volunteering at school helping with homework, and doing a hundred other things that few working parents have time for. These obligations are so baked into American values that few parents stop to ask whether they’re worth the effort.

  Until this January, few researchers did, either. In the largest-ever study of how parental involvement affects academic achievement, Keith Robinson and Angel L.Harris, two sociology professors at Duke, found that mostly it doesn’t. The researchers combed through nearly three decades’ worth of surveys of American parents and tracked 63 different measures of parental participation in kids’academic lives, from helping them with homework, to talking with them about college plans. In an attempt to show whether the kids of more-involved parents improved over time, the researchers indexed these measures to children’s academic performance, including test scores in reading and math.

  What they found surprised them. Most measurable forms of parental involvement seem to yield few academic dividends for kids, or even to backfire(适得其反) -regardless of a parent’s race, class, or level of education.

  Do you review your daughter’s homework every night? Robinson and Harris’s data show that this won’t help her score higher on standardized tests. Once kids enter middle school, parental help with homework can actually bring test scores down, an effect Robinson says could be caused by the fact that many parents may have forgotten, or never truly understood, the material their children learn in school.

  While Robinson and Harris largely disproved that assumption, they did find a handful of habits that make a difference, such as reading aloud to young kids (fewer than half of whom are read to daily) and talking with teenagers about college plans. But these interventions don't take place at school or in the presence of teachers, where policymakers have the most influence - they take place at home.

  Comment 1:

  Basically the choice is whether one wants to let kids to be kids. Persistent parental involvement and constantly communicating to the kids on what the parents want consciously or unconsciously would help the kids grow up or think like the parents sooner than otherwise.

  Comment 2:

  It also depends on the kid. Emotional and social maturity have a lot to do with success in college and in life. Some kids may have the brains and are bored by high school, but that doesn’t mean they are ready for college or the work place.

  Comment 3:

  The article doesn’t define “helping,” but I understand it as actually assisting children in the exercises (e.g. helping them to solve a math problem) and/or reviewing their work for accuracy rather than simply making sure they’ve completed their work. I think the latter is more helpful than the former. I would also certainly hope that no study would discourage parents from monitoring their children’s performance!

  41. The word “they” (para. 1) refers to _____.

  A. principles B. studies C. obligations D. values

  42. What is the main conclusion of the Robinson and Harris’s study?

  A. Parental involvement may not necessarily benefit children

  B. The kids of more-involved parents improve over time

  C. School should communicate with parents regularly

  D. Parental involvement works better with low-achievers.

  43. Comment1 suggests that _____.

  A. kids should be kids after all

  B. parents should leave their children alone

  C. persistent parental involvement is a must

  D. parents may influence children’s thinking

  44. The writer of Comment 2 would probably agree that _____.

  A. getting ready for college is an emotional process

  B. high intelligence does not guarantee success

  C. high school is often boring in the U.S.

  D. social maturity is sufficient to achieve success in life

  45. Which of the following parental helps will the writer of Comment 3 consider proper?

  A. Monitoring kids’ class performance.

  B. Reviewing kids’ homework for accuracy.

  C. Making sure kids have finished their work

  D. Assisting kids in their exercises.

  Part IV Cloze (10 points)

  Directions: In this part, there is a passage with ten blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked, A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Ironically, a study finds that we’re awful gift-givers precisely because we spend too much time trying to be considerate. We imagine our friends 46 a gift that is impressive, expensive, and sentimental. We imagine the look of happiness and surprise on their faces and the warmth we feel 47 . But there’s something that the most sentimental-gift-givers tend not to think too much about: 48 the gift is practical in the first place.

  _49 , practicality seems like an enemy of great gift giving. Beautiful jewelry, lovely watches, perfect rugs, finely crafted kitchen hardware: These things 50 great gifts because they communicate something beyond practicality. They communicate that the giver cares.

  But do the receivers care? Often, no. “Gift receivers would be 51 if givers gave them exactly what they requested 52 . attempting to be ‘thoughtful and considerate’ by buying gifts they did not explicitly request” to surprise them, the researchers write. Their clever paper asks givers and receivers to 53 gifts from two perspectives: desirability (e.g. the cost of a coffee maker) and feasibility (e.g. the 54 of the coffee maker). Across several experiments, they find that givers consistently give gifts based on desirability and receivers 55 favor gifts based on feasibility .

  46. A. opened B. have opened C. opening D. to open

  47. A. in return B. in place C. in turn D. in person

  48. A. How B. Why C. When D. Whether

  49. A. In many cases B. In many ways C. To sum up D. To be sure

  50. A. take up B. make for C. lead to D. work out

  51. A. surprised B. happy C. more surprised D. happier

  52. A. but for B. as to C. rather than D. regardless of

  53. A. measure B. select C. classify D. decide

  54. A. ease B. cost C. quality D. look

  55. A. continuously B. nevertheless C. whereas D. unexpectedly

  Part V Text Completion(20 points)

  Directions:In this part,there are three incomplete texts with 20 questions(Ranging from 56 to75).Above each text there are three or four phrases to be completed.First,use the choices provided in the box to complete the phrases.Second,use the completed phrases to fill in the blanks of the text.Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Text One

  A.so plentiful B.showered with C.exchange rings

  A. the bride and groom often 56 .

  B.where the food is 57

  C.the couple is often 58 handfuls of uncooked rice

  Wedding ceremonies in the United States vary as much as the people do. But many weddings, no matter where or how they are performed, include certain traditional customs. For instance, 59 at the ceremony. The rings are usually worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, and are exchanged in the middle of the ceremony.

  After the ceremony, 60 by friends and family. Rice, as we know, shows productivity and harvest. And then, there is often a party, 61 that it almost takes the attention away from the people.

  Text Two

  A. beyond B. sending C. as well as


  A. (62) ___________the wages of average families

  B. (63) ___________ the reach of most Americans

  C. (64) ___________ young people to college

  A research group in California has released a “national report card on higher education.”The report says the price of college has increased more than four hundred percent since 1982. Costs have climbed much faster than other prices - (65) ___________. The group warns that a continuation of these trends would put higher education (66) ___________. And it would mean greater debt for those who do go to college. The report also expresses concern that the United States is losing its leadership in (67) ___________.

  Text Three

  A. imitate B. between C. otherwise D. accelerate


  A. from (68) ___________its feathers

  B. would be difficult to (69) ___________

  C. it (70) ___________could

  D. enabling the bird to (71) ___________

  The emperor penguin traps air in its feathers. Not only does this insulate the bird against extreme cold but it also enables it to move two or three times faster than (72) ___________. How? Marine biologists have suggested that it does so by releasing tiny air bubbles (73) ___________.As these bubbles are released, the reduce friction on the surface of the penguin’s wings, (74) ___________.

  Interestingly, engineers have been studying ways to make ships go faster by using bubbles to reduce friction against their hulls (船身). However, researchers acknowledge that further investigation is challenging because “the complexity of penguin’s wings (75) ___________.”

  Part VI Translation (20 minutes, 10 points)

  Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Books are steadily increasing in size: the average number of pages has grown by 25% over the last 15 years. A study of more than 2,500 books appearing on New York Times bestseller reveals that the average length has increased from 320 pages in 1999 to 400 pages in 2014. James Finlayson, who carried out the study, believed "there's a relatively consistent pattern of growth year on year". For Finlayson, much of this shift can be explained by the industry's shift towards digital. "When you pick up a large book in a shop," he says," you can sometimes be intimidated. But if you have a big book on a Kindle (e-book),that’s not a consideration.”

  Part VII Writing (30 minutes, 15 points)

  Directions: Write a composition in no less than 150 words on the topic: What do you think of advanced artificial intelligence? You should write according to the outline given below. Write your composition on the Answer Sheet.


  Part I Oral Communication

  Section A

  Dialogue One (2018)

  1.【答案】 C

  【解析】通读对话,可知两人是在讨论如何过周末。根据空格处后所述,有连续3天的假期(three days in a row),可知这个周末假期相对要长,因此选 C。

  2.【答案】 A

  【解析】蒂娜问路易斯周末有什么计划时,路易斯只是随兴而定(play it by ear),还没有计划。而空格后,蒂娜说了她们的计划,可以推知此处是路易斯是在问蒂娜打算怎么过周末。因此选 A。

  3.【答案】 B

  【解析】路易斯听了蒂娜的计划,觉得不错,而对话最后路易斯表达了需要考虑下再告知蒂娜,可以推知此处是蒂娜在问路易斯要不要加入,因此选 B。




  蒂娜: 所以,你打算去哪?

  路易斯: 目前没有任何计划。我只是随兴而定。你呢?

  蒂娜: 我们打算去山中徒步和露营。

  路易斯: 听起来令人兴奋。



  Dialogue Two (2018)




  【解析】根据空缺处后一句打电话人说的:我想乘坐29号的飞机回来,可以推知此处是询问往返的时间,因此选 C。






  旅行社 :好的,你想飞往那里?




  旅行社:好的,我查一下,呃...... 1070次航班,从盐湖城飞往纽约,在肯尼迪机场再转机90次航班从肯尼迪飞往赫尔辛基。仅980美元。


  Section B(2019)


  【解析】本题是学生和学校管理员的对话,一问一答的模式,先看选项,再通读一边文章,基本能确定9、10题的选项。看第7题前面,凯伦说想要注册一门课,管理员说抱歉,接下来是阐述原因,后面才会说and also(并且)。所以从C、D选项中选择。C意思为系统不允许我,很明显这句话应该是凯伦说的,因为管理员的工作就是操作系统。因此选D。























  Part II Vocabulary (2018)

  11.【答案】 D

  【解析】句中词 diversity多样性。

  A. difference 不同,区别 B. adversity困境,逆境

  C. unity 统一,一致 C. variety多样化,种类


  12.【答案】 C

  【解析】句中短语once in a while 偶尔,有时。

  A. rarely少见地,很少 B. often经常

  C. occasionally 偶尔,间或 D. seldom很少,不常


  13. 【答案】 A

  【解析】句中词 intuition直觉。

  A. instinct本能,直觉 B. intelligence智力,智能

  C. rationality理智,理性 D. experience经历,经验


  14. 【答案】 D

  【解析】句中词 sensitive敏感的。

  A. patient 耐心的 B. generous慷慨的

  C. emotional情绪的 D. responsive响应的,敏感的


  15.【答案】 A

  【解析】句中短语step down辞职,退位。

  A. resign辞职 B. remove移动

  C. retire退休 D. replace替换


  16. 【答案】 C


  A. concentrated 集中的(后接on) B. addicted上瘾的(后接to)

  C. absorbed专心致志的 D. committed坚定的(后接to)


  17. 【答案】 D

  【解析】句中词 initiate开始,发起。

  A. transmit传播,传输 B. follow跟随

  C. promote促进,提升 D. launch发起


  18. 【答案】 D

  【解析】句中短语comply with遵守。

  A. consider考虑 B. question质疑,提问

  C. support支持 D. observe观察,遵守


  19 【答案】 B

  【解析】句中词 diminish减少,变少。

  A. decrease减少 B. change改变

  C. disappear消失 D. expand扩大


  20. 【答案】 B

  【解析】句中词 superficially表面地。

  A. possibly可能地 B. seemingly似乎,看上去

  C. apparently明显地 D. practically实际地


  Part III Reading Comprehension

  Section A

  Passage One (2019)





  【解析】 “下一个淘金热”指的是什么?

  回到第二段,结尾出现“下一个淘金热”的关键词。看整句话,对于宇宙的研究确实是会成为下一次的淘金热。看以下四个选项,A选项 “太空探索可能是下一个投资热点”是原文语义的一种转换的说法。故A选项为正确答案。





  先去看选项,再读原文看跟哪个选项的意思更贴近。第三段原文“space hotel would be much easier to design and build”只提及space hotel很容易设计与建造,并没有提及入住的舒适程度,所以A项排除。C选项意思与原文“The view of Earth and the stars must be spectacular”相反,D选项原文没有提及。因此选B项“萨莉·莱德很喜欢她的外太空之旅”。














  【解析】 该篇文章的最佳标题是什么。






  想象一下在太空旅行是什么样子。那些有幸访问过太空的人都称这是一次奇妙的经历。地球和星星的景色一定很壮观,生活在“零重力”下的体验一定很迷人。第一位访问太空的美国女性Sally Ride说,这是她一生中最大的乐趣。想象一下在太空旅馆预订周末(或更长时间)的航班是多么激动人心。事实证明,太空旅馆的设计和建造要比国际空间站容易得多;早期对建造这些旅馆的费用的估计表明,如果建造轨道旅馆是为了容纳大量的太空旅行者,旅馆的费用就会降低。





  Passage Two (2019)










  第二段提到作者换的三份工作 lab scientist,conducting literature searches,scientific journal editor,找到题目中的scientific journal editor,去文中定位“the job required a lengthy commute”翻译为这项工作需要很长的通勤时间。所以C项“离家太远了”正确。





  文章第三段描述作者尝试不同的 role,去弄清楚哪一个角色适合,哪一个不适合。因此此题选D项“一个合适的身份”。





  文章最后一段“For the last year, I have been a university program manager/freelance writer”。因此此题选D项“他在一所大学工作,也兼职写作。”。














  Passage Three (2018)

  【文章介绍】本文主要介绍了几种食肉性植物如捕蝇草、猪笼草、 螺旋狸藻等及其捕食方式。








  【解析】 作者最可能认同的是哪项。





  【解析】 食肉性植物的营养主要来源于哪里?


  【误项排除】A项“其它植物”,B项“土壤” ,C项“太阳”, 这三项不符合题意。



  【解析】 第三段大意的最佳表达是哪项。





  【解析】 推断螺旋狸藻的消化器官位于哪里。




  想像你是一只苍蝇,你正在寻找一处落脚的地方。当你看到一片粉色的叶子,看似一块可以落脚的好地方。当你双脚落在这片叶子上时,你注意到了有些不对劲。这片叶子有毛。当你想要移动时,却发现自己引起了这个植物的反应。 喀嚓!不到十分之一秒的时间,你被捕蝇草逮住了,并将在5到12天内被消化掉。

  全球约有391,000种植物,只有600种左右 的植物是食肉性的。我们称之为食肉性植物,是因为他们能够迷惑、诱捕并吃掉虫子。和其它指物一样,它们通过太阳获得能量。但又和其它植物不一样的是,它们通过猎物获得营养。食肉性植物居住的地方,土壤缺乏营养。许多植物从土壤中获得营养,但食肉性植物却不得不转向其它来源。

  猪笼草诱惑猎物着落到它们身上,利用花粉做诱饵,迷惑那些愚蠢的昆虫。正如其名, 猪笼草呈深桶型。瓶口表面很光滑,而且它们内部有着粗毛,这让落入的虫子无法逃脱。这只苍蝇被诱落在猪笼草上,并滑入了全是消化液的囊中。



  Passage Four (2018)




  【解析】 第一段强调了海上出行的哪一方面。





  【解析】 与affinity词义最接近的是哪一项。





  【解析】 看着船离港时,谁印象最深刻。





  【解析】 汤姆·布里特认为乘船出行比乘飞机出行要好的原因是什么。


  【误项排除】A项“让人陷入深思” ,B项“给乘客更好的放松机会”,C项“提供更舒适的环境”,这三项不符合题意。



  【解析】 根据最后两段,下面哪一项不是海上出行的优势。


  【误项排除】A项“友好的家庭生活“,B项“满足冒险的心”, D项“让人放松”,这三项不符合题意。








  Section B (2014)




  【解析】 第一段中的“they”指的是什么?

  第一段的最后一句所述:These obligations are so baked into American values that few

  parents stop to ask whether they’re worth the effort. 即这些义务深深地植入了美国人的价值观,很少有父母会停下来问参与到孩子的学习中是否值得。因此选C项“义务”符合原文。




  【解析】 罗宾逊和哈里斯的研究得出的主要结论是什么?







  【解析】 评论1的看法是什么?







  【解析】 评论2的作者可能会认同哪种看法?







  【解析】 评论3的作者认为下面哪种家长的帮助方式是合适的?
















  Part IV Cloze (10 points) (2014)




  【解析】根据后半句:imagine the look of happiness and surprise on their faces可知此处要表达的是我们想象我们的朋友正打开礼物时的表情。因此选C项进行时,表示正


  【误项排除】A项opened, 过去式,表示已经发生,B项have opened, 现在完成时,

  从过去到持续现在的动作,并对现在产生的影响,D项to open, 不定式,表目的和将要做的事,该三项不符合原文语义。




  受到朋友回赠的温暖情感,因此选A项in return:作为回报,符合原文。

  【误项排除】B项in place:合适地,C项in turn:反之,D项in person:亲自,都与原






  【误项排除】A项how: 如何,B项why:为什么,C项when:什么时候,都不符合原文。



  【解析】根据后半句:实用性似乎是赠送礼物的敌人,可知3选A项in many cases:


  【误项排除】B项in many ways:通过多种方式,C项to sum up:总而言之,D项to be




  【解析】根据前半句:Beautiful jewelry, lovely watches, perfect rugs, finely crafted kitchen

  hardware,可推知这些东西是很好的礼物,因此选B项make for组成,构成,符合原文。

  【误项排除】A项take up:拿起,从事,C项lead to:导致,带来,D项work out:解






  【误项排除】A项surprised:惊讶的,B项happy:开心的,C项more surprised:更惊讶,





  rather than:而不是,符合原文。

  【误项排除】A项but for:要不是,B项as to:关于,D项regardless of:不管,不顾,都




  【解析】根据前面的givers and receivers, 可推知选A项measure:衡量,符合原文。








  【解析】根据连词and并列时内容上的一致性,且该句的前半句的consistently, 可知








  Part V Text Completion

  Text One (2018)









  【解析】分析结构:本句缺少一个句子,根据前后语意,可推断此处描述的跟戒指有关。结合选项,因此选 A 项“新郎新娘通常会交换戒指”。


  【解析】分析结构:本句缺少一个句子,根据前后语意,可推断此处描述的跟大米有关系。结合选项,因此选 C“项新郎、新娘经常会被给予一把把大米”。






  Text Two (2014)



  【解析】A项beyond 超过; B项send 送;C项 as well as 同样……,也……。the wages of average families 家庭平均工资,根据语义可以排除选项B。第63题beyond the reach of…… 所不及的。所以C项符合题意。


  【解析】beyond the reach of…… 所不及的。 beyond the reach of most Americans “让很多美国人无法接受”。


  【解析】send to送到……。send young people to college “送孩子读大学”。


  【解析】前面说学费比其他各项费用的增长速度都快,后面是进行补充,可知A项符合题意。as well as the wages of average families “包括家庭平均工资”。




  【解析】in介词词性,可知C符合题意。sending young people to college “送孩子上大学”。



  Text Three (2014)



  【解析】from between +n 从……之间。


  【解析】 缺少不定式后面的动词,可以排除B项和C项。69空前面的would可知是作谓语。返回原文定位到最后的75题。根据最后一段可知设计师正研究各种方法来通过释放气泡,减少船身的摩擦力来使船加速。然而,研究人员了解到,进一步的调查正受到挑战可以推断这种船身模仿企鹅翅膀是困难的。可知A符合题意。


  【解析】 本句有主谓,并空缺处是在could前面可以排除A,B,D项。可知C符合题意。














  Paper Two 试卷二 (2016)

  Part VI Translation

  书籍开本呈稳态增长趋势:过去的15年,其平均页数增加了25%。一项关于《纽约时 报》2500多本畅销书的研究显示:书本的平均篇幅已经从1999年的320页增加到了2014 年的400页。开展这项调查的James Finlayson认为:书籍厚度“相对稳定逐年增长”,这种转变很大程度上归因于产业数字化。他表示,“当你在书店里拿起一本厚厚的书,有时会被吓到。但是如果你在Kindle(电子书)上读一本篇幅很长的书,那就没有问题了。”

  Part VII Writing (2016)

  Nowadays, with the rapid development of computer technology, in particular, the artificial intelligence (AI), the application of senior AI in the future has aroused a considerable worldwide concern. It is recently reported that in a ground-breaking fight between man and AI, the world champion of game Go was mercilessly defeated by Deep Mind Alpha Go, a product from Google, which gives rise to some people’s fear toward advanced AI in future practice. And they take it for granted that human being would probably be totally controlled by machine.

  As far as AI is concerned, I am fully convinced that we are supposed to maintain an objective and positive attitude toward the emerging issue of artificial intelligence. All that AI knows it is nothing but the simulation of information on the process of conscious thinking, or in another words, it’s something that subjects to its inventor’s design awareness. Consequently, as long as we are fully conscious of its possible disadvantages, certain restrictions can be input into the program to avoid potential disastrous occurrences. Additionally, it is well hoped that AI and intelligent machines can possibly free human labors from virtually all kinds of jobs.

  Above-mentioned discussion can safely lead to the conclusion that what we are supposed to do is but to learn to get along with the inevitable development of computer technology and to adapt to the updated social structure changed by AI.






