



  Paper One (100minutes)

  Part I Oral Communication (10 points)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Dialogue One

  A. When is it taking place?

  B. Is Alan attending?

  C. That'll be interesting.

  Alice: We're having a meeting tomorrow. Can you make it?

  Kevin: 1

  Alice: We're planning at 10 o'clock. Is that OK?

  Kevin: Yes, that'll be fine.

  Alice: We're going to go over last quarter's sales figures.

  Kevin: Good. I have some input I'd like to make.

  Alice: Frank is also going to make some suggestions on improving the bottom line.

  Kevin; 2 He's got keen insights.

  Alice: Yes, he's going to outline some new sales strategies.

  Kevin: 3

  Alice: No, he's flying to San Francisco and won't be able to make it.

  Kevin: Oh well, maybe he'll phone in.

  Dialogue Two

  A. I'll drop by there on my way to class today.

  B. I thought you liked the apartment.

  C. I've decided to look for a new place.

  Ann: Hello Roger? This is Ann.

  Roger: Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And how's your new apartment working out?

  Ann: Well, that's what I'm calling about. You see, 4

  Roger: Oh, what's the problem with your place now? 5

  Ann: Oh, I do, but it's a little far from campus, and the commute is just killing me. Do you think you could help? I thought you might know more about the housing situation near the school.

  Roger: Well, I know there's an apartment complex around the corner that seems to have a few vacancies. 6

  Ann: Hey, thanks a lot.

  Roger: No problem.

  Section B

  Directions: In this section there is one incomplete interview, which has four blanks and four choices A, B, C and D, taken from the interview. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  A. I literally can’t stop.

  B. But now I don’t need to worry any more.

  C. You’re known as the first billionaire author here.

  D. But that’s not just about money.

  Interviewer: You have published six popular books. 7

  Interviewee: Yeah.

  Interviewer: So how has being the first billionaire author affected your perception of yourself?

  Interviewee: I dress better. Well, you can definitely afford better clothes. 8 I think the single biggest thing that money gave me--and obviously I came from a place where I was a single mother and it really was hand to mouth at one point. It was literally as poor as you can get without being homeless at one point. 9 Never.

  Interviewer: Are you in a place now where you can accept that you will always be rich?

  Interviewee: No.

  Interviewer: And will you be writing more?

  Interviewee: Oh, definitely. I can’t, yeah, 10 Well, I mean, you could tie my hands to my sides, I suppose,

  but I have to write. For my own mental health, I need to write.

  Part II Vocabulary (10 points)

  Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  11. The specially developed skin paint will wear off in 2-4 days, but can be removed instantly with alcohol.

  A. remain B. dry C. work D. disappear

  12. She was tired of his constant complaining and didn’t want to tolerate him anymore.

  A. catch up to B. put up with C. come up with D. live up to

  13. The supporters of either party have rationalized their own opinion in terms of argument.

  A. with regard to B. in contrast to C. in addition to D. as opposed to

  14. How is it possible that such widespread deception has come to take place right under our noses?

  A. delay B. damage C. fraud D. shock.

  15. It is not yet clear whether the decision of data at the troubled bank was accidental or deliberate.

  A. obvious B. intentional C. surprising D. foolish

  16. The journal published a series of articles that reviewed the prospects for a new era of “genetic medicine”.

  A. background B. exploration C. survey D. outlook

  17. If you don’t slow down and take a break, you’ll be burned out very quickly.

  A. distressed B. anxious C. exhausted D. upset

  18. Following our merging with Smith Brothers, the new company will, from now on, be known as Smith and Murphy Inc.

  A. cooperation B. meeting C. agreement D. combination

  19. Only native-born citizens are eligible for the U.S. Presidency.

  A. required B. qualified C. selected D. elected

  20. It was 38 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room.

  A. simply B. quickly C. hardly D. strongly

  Part III Reading Comprehension (25 points)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Passage One

  Under the right circumstances, choosing to spend time alone can be a huge psychological blessing. In the 1980s, the Italian journalist and author Tiziano Terzani, after many years of reporting across Asia, holed himself up in a cabin in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. “For a month I had no one to talk to except my dog Baoli,” he wrote in his book A Fortune Teller Told Me. Terzani passed the time with books, observing nature, “listening to the winds in the trees, watching butterflies, enjoying silence.” For the first time in a long while he felt free from the unending anxieties of daily life: “At last I had time to have time.”

  Terzani’s embrace of isolation was relatively unusual: humans have long considered solitude an inconvenience, something to avoid, a punishment, a realm of loners. Science has often associated it with negative outcomes. Freud, who linked solitude with anxiety, noted that, “in children the first fears relating to situations are those of darkness and solitude.” John Cacioppo, a modern social neuro-scientist who has extensively studied loneliness—what he calls “chronic perceived isolation”—contends that, beyond damaging our thinking powers, isolation can even harm our physical health. But increasingly scientists are approaching solitude as something that, when pursued by choice, can prove a therapy.

  This is especially true in times of personal disorder, when the instinct is often for people to reach outside of themselves for support. “When people are experiencing crisis it’s not always just about you: It’s about how you are in society,” explains Jack Fong, a sociologist at California State Polytechnic University who has studied solitude.

  In other words, when people remove themselves from the social context of their lives, they are better able to see how they’re shaped by that context. Thomas Merton, a monk and writer who spent years alone, held a similar notion. “We cannot see things in perspective until we cease to hug them to our breast,” he writes in Thoughts in Solitude. “People can go for a walk or listen to music and feel that they are deeply in touch with themselves.”

  21. Tiziano Terzani spent a month alone to ________.

  A. embrace isolation B. study butterflies

  C. write a book D. look after his dog

  22. The word “solitude” (Para.2) is closest in meaning to “________’’.

  A. growing anxious C. being helpless

  B. feeling empty D. staying alone

  23. The opinions of Freud and Cacioppo are cited to show that ________.

  A. children tend to fear darkness and solitude

  B. solitude pursued by choice can be a therapy.

  C. chronic isolation can harm interpersonal relations

  D. solitude has long been linked with negative outcomes.

  24. According to Jack Fong, the sense of personal crisis may be influenced by ________.

  A. an isolated lifestyle B. mental disorder

  C. low self-esteem D. social context

  25. The main idea of the passage is that ________.

  A. solitude should be avoided at all costs.

  B. anxieties of daily life may cause personal crisis

  C. choosing to spend time alone can be a blessing

  D. seeking support is useless for tackling personal crisis.

  Passage Two

  Science is finally beginning to embrace animals who were, for a long time, considered second-class citizens.

  As Annie Potts of Canterbury University has noted, chickens distinguish among one hundred chicken faces and recognize familiar individuals even after months of separations. When given problems to solve, they reason: hens trained to pick colored buttons sometimes choose to give up an immediate (lesser)food reward for a slightly later (and better) one. Healthy hens may aid friends, and mourn when those friends die.

  Pigs respond meaningfully to human symbols. When a research team led by Candace Croney at Penn State University carried wooden blocks marked with X and O symbols around pigs, only the O carriers offered food to the animals. The pigs soon ignored the X carriers in favor of the O’s. Then the team switched from real-life objects to a T-shirts printed with X or O symbols. Still, the pigs ventured only toward the O-shirted people: they had transferred their knowledge to a two-dimensional format, a not-inconsiderable feat of reasoning.

  Fairly soon, I came to see that along with our closest living relatives, cetaceans(鲸目动物)too are masters of cultural learning, and elephants express profound joy and mourning with their social companions. Long-term studies in the wild on these mammals helped to fuel a perspective shift in our society: the public no longer so easily accepts monkeys made to undergo painful procedures in laboratories, elephants forced to perform in circuses, and dolphins kept in small tanks at theme parks.

  Over time, though, as I began to broaden out even further and explore the inner lives of fish, chicken, pigs, goats, and cows, I started to wonder: Will the new science of “food animals” bring an ethical revolution in terms of who we eat? In other words, will the breadth of our ethic start to catch up with the breadth of our science? Animal activists are already there, of course, committed to not eating these animals. But what about the rest of us? Can paying attention to the thinking and feeling of these animals lead us to make change in who we eat?

  26. According to Annie Potts, hens’ choice of a later and better reward indicates their ability of ______.

  A. social interaction B. facial recognition

  C. logical reasoning D. mutual learning

  27. The expression “not-inconsiderable feat” (Para.3)shows what pig can do is ______.

  A. extraordinary B. weird C. unique D. understandable

  28. What is Paragraph4 mainly about?

  A. The similarities between mammals and humans.

  B. The necessity of long-term studies no mammals.

  C. A change of public attitude to the treatment of mammals.

  D. A new discovery of how mammals think and feel.

  29. What is the author’s view on eating “food animals”?

  A. He regrets eating them before. B. He considers eating them justifiable.

  C. He is not concerned about the issue. D. He calls for a change in what we eat.

  30. What is the best title for the passage?

  A. In Praise of Food Animals B. Food Animals in Science Reports

  C. The Inner Lives of food animals D. Food Animals: past, present and future

  Passage Three

  Last year, I went WWOOFing (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) at a beautiful organic farm in La Réunion. With WWOOFing, volunteers exchange their time and work for food and accommodation. I slept in a cabin in the woods with hedgehogs(刺猬) digging about in the bushes, all different coloured birds singing in the morning and endless rows of palm trees offering shade from the sun.

  For me, one of the best ways to get to know a new place is to work with the land, live with the locals and share meals together. This is why I absolutely love WWOOFing. It has got to be one of the best ways to travel. It is a mutually beneficial exchange where everyone involved prioritises people and environment above profit. You get the time and space to deepen a connection with local communities and nature.

  There is a lot to learn and each farm has its own unique way of doing things, depending on the environment, climate and soil. At the farm in La Réunion we planted palm trees to harvest the core of the trunk which can be eaten in salads. Before staying with the farm I had only eaten heart of palm from cans which were nothing in comparison to the real thing, fresh from the ground. When potting up the very beginnings of the palm trees, I felt grateful to be a part of the start of the trees' cycle. I was filled with awe that something so small could grow into something so big and strong.

  We also did lots of weeding, which helped me to get to know all kinds of different plants, to be able to identify which ones we could use as herbs/medicine/in salads and which were seen as uneatable. I also got to harvest pineapples and guava fruit(番石榴) to make jams which will be sold at the local market.

  Of course, not everyone is able to travel far away into the field. The great thing about the skill-share philosophy behind WWOOFing is that it’s something we can all do from our own backyard. The focus shifts from money to how we can best support each other in our communities. A fair exchange can make a big difference in the world.

  31. WWOOFing enables volunteers to _______.

  A. get food and shelter for their work

  B. travel around La Réunion for free

  C. tell the differences between various birds

  D. have close contact with wild animals

  32. The author found his farm life in La Réunion quite ____________.

  A. awful B. rewarding C. comfortable D. difficult

  33. The author did all of the following on the organic farm EXCEPT ____________.

  A. removing weeds

  B. planting palm trees

  C. harvesting fruits

  D. collecting vegetables

  34. The philosophy of WWOOFing is to ____________.

  A. improve local environment

  B. make locals live better

  C. unite different communities

  D. advocate a fair exchange

  35. This passage is mainly about ____________.

  A. the development of WWOOFing

  B. a local WWOOFing community

  C. a charming WWOOFing experience

  D. the system of WWOOFing

  Passage Four

  Experts say distracted walking is a growing problem, as people of all ages become more dependent on electronic devices for personal and professional matters. They also note pedestrian deaths have been rising in recent years, 11% of all US deaths involved pedestrians, but that number rose to 15% in 2014.

  The rise in deaths coincides with states introducing bills that target pedestrians. Some states, such as Hawaii, Arkansas, Illinois, Nevada and New York, continue to introduce legislation every year.

  The measure recently introduced by New Jersey assembly woman Pamela Lampitt would ban walking while texting and prohibit pedestrians on public roads from using electronic communication devices unless they are hands-free. Violators would face fines of up to $50, 15-day imprisonment or both, which is the same penalty as jaywalking(乱穿马路). Half of the fine would be allocated to safety education about the dangers of walking while texting, said Lampitt.

  Some see the proposal as an unnecessary governing overreach, while others they understand Lampitt’s reasoning. But most agree that people need to be made aware of this issue. “Distracted pedestrians, like distracted drivers, present a potential danger to themselves and drivers on the road,” Lampitt said. “An individual crossing the road distracted by their smartphone presents just as much danger to motorists as someone jaywalking and should be held, at minimum, to the same penalty.”

  The main question raised about the measure, though, is whether it can be enforced consistently by police officers who usually have more pressing matters to deal with. Some feel that rather than imposing a new law, the state should focus on distracted-walking education. Lampitt said the measure was needed to stop and penalize “risky behavior”. She cited a National Safety Council report that showed distracted walking incidents involving cellphones accounted for an estimated 11,101 injuries from 2000 to 2011.

  The study found a majority of those injured were female and most were 40 or younger. Talking on the phone was the most prevalent activity at the time of injury, while texting accounted for 12%. Nearly 80% of the injuries occurred as the result of a fall, while 9% occurred from the pedestrian striking a motionless object.

  36. This passage is mainly concerned with ____________.

  A. the difficulty in enforcing road regulations

  B. rising deaths caused by distracted walking

  C. the dangers of jaywalking on busy streets

  D. distracted walking involving smartphones

  37. The states introducing bills that target pedestrians ____________.

  A. have benefited from the bills

  B. find it hard to carry them out

  C. have been promoting the legislation

  D. will have fewer deaths of pedestrians

  38. According to the measure proposed by Lampitt, walking while texting would ____________.

  A. become illegal

  B. involve safety education

  C. be blamed publicly

  D. incur a fine of over $ 50

  39. Lampitt reasons that distracted pedestrian are as dangerous as ____________.

  A. motorists

  B. speeding drivers

  C. jaywalkers

  D. drunk drivers

  40. Which of the following would the author the passage most probably agree with?

  A. Males are more vulnerable to distracted-walking injuries.

  B. Police officers are unhappy with the proposed law.

  C. Safety education is more important than penalty.

  D. Rising distracted-walking incidents call for real attention.

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and the comments on it. The blog and comments are followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  The saying “Clothes Make the Man” dates back some 400 years and it refers to the fact that when people see a well-dressed person, they assume that person is a professional, capable, and (especially in the old days) rich. Therefore, you had to dress like how you wanted to be perceived, what you wanted to eventually achieve. Fast forward 400 years, lots of folks still think the same way. But does it really make a difference?

  I happen to be one those who do not put faith in the old saying. I suppose I might be in the minority but I am a member of an elite club with the likes of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in my camp.

  Perception is not reality; perception is halfway to discovering reality. Perception is drawn from our own impressions, our own belief systems. Is it powerful and influential? Absolutely! Is it all that it seems? Less often than you think. How many times have you cast an initial judgment only to surprise yourself later and learn how you missed out on a great opportunity, person or idea?

  Comment 1

  In the present era, many associate the well-dressed with being the most successful. It took folks in the business world a long times to overlook the way Steve Jobs wore jeans on the public stage. I did not know Mr. Jobs, though I wish I had. I have heard it said that he invented the concept of “business casual.” In my mind that is as much a matter of self-confidence as it is a matter of taste in clothing.

  Comment 2

  You are wrong about Steve Jobs. He certainly did care about how he was perceived and his appearance was very much calculated to achieve his desired effect. From his early formal business clothing down to the aggressive casuals of his eventual black turtle neck and jeans uniform, his clothes and the impact they made were clearly foremost in his mind.

  Comment 3

  It reminds me of the story about the philosopher who goes to a formal dinner party in jeans. When asked if he felt out of place because of his clothes, he looked around and said he hadn't noticed.

  41.Which of the following might the writer of the passage agree with?

  A. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dress formally.

  B. We should not judge a person by his clothing.

  C. It is clothes that make the man.

  D. The well-dressed are more likely to succeed.

  42. According to the writer of the passage, perception ____________.

  A. might prove wrong

  B. is powerful and reliable

  C. is half reality

  D. might be worthless to us

  43. The writer of Comment 1 seems to ____________.

  A. dislike the way Steve Jobs dressed for business occasions

  B. suggest that business people have no taste in clothing

  C. believe that the well-dressed are the most successful

  D. think that Steve Jobs’ casualness reflected his self-confidence

  44. Speaking of Steve Jobs, the writer of Comment ____________.

  A. points out that Steve Jobs was a very aggressive person

  B. suggests that he and Steve Jobs used to be in the same club

  C. holds the same view as the writer of the passage

  D. thinks Steve Jobs^ casualness was carefully thought out

  45.When he went to the dinner party in jeans (Comment 3), the philosopher ____________.

  A. thought that people liked his clothes

  B. was not aware of how his clothes looked

  C. felt quite embarrassed

  D. considered himself out of place

  Part IV Cloze (10 points)

  Directions:In this part,there is a passage with ten blanks.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the best answer for each blank and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Every day, they slowly accumulate. Plates covered in sauces and bread pieces. Bowls with a fine layer of who-knows-what. Forks, knives, and spoons all stuck with bits of this and that. At the end of a long day of work, cooking, cleaning, and, for many, negotiating with small children, a couple has to 46 the big question: Who is going to do the 47 ?

  A recent report on family dynamics suggests that the answer to that question can have a significant impact 48 the health and long lasting of a relationship. The study examined a variety of different household tasks, 49_ shopping, laundry and housecleaning, and found that, for women in families, it's more important to 50 the responsibility of doing the dishes than any other task. Women who wash the vast majority of the dishes themselves report 51 relationship conflict and less relationship satisfaction than women with husbands 52 help. Women are happier about sharing dish washing 53 than they are about sharing any other household task.

  What is it about dishes? Dan Carlson, assistant professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah, and the lead author of the study, offers his own observations: "Doing dishes is gross. 54 , unlike some other household tasks such as cooking or gardening, doing dishes well does not 55 praises."

  46.A.make B.ask C.face D.deal

  47.A.cooking B. laundry C.homework D. dishes

  48. A.on B. for C.to D.at

  49. A.requiring B. including C.undertaking D.organizing

  50. A.exchange B. shoulder C.take D.share

  51. A.less B. fewer C.further D.more

  52. A.which B. who C.what D.whom

  53. A.duties B. problems C.questions D.troubles

  54. A.Seemingly B. However C.Besides D.Finally

  55. A.demand B. generate C.mention D.provide

  Part V Text Completion (20 minutes, 20 points)

  Directions: In this part, there are three incomplete texts with 20 questions (Ranging from 56 to 75). Above each text there are three or four phrases to be completed. First, use the choices provided in the box to complete the phrases. Second, use the completed phrases to fill in the blanks of the text. Note you should blacken the letters that indicate your answers on the Answer Sheet.

  Text One

  A. optimistic about B. a need C. a third


  A. they felt (56) ___________for

  B. most were (57) ___________the future for women

  C. less than (58) ___________of them

  In a recent survey, 55% of 3,000 Japanese women polled said they weren’t being treated equally with men at work, and (59) ___________said they expected women’s lives to improve over the next two decades. Yet, only 26% of the women said (60) ___________a strong and organized women’s movement. In a similar survey of American women, a much smaller 29% believed they were treated unfairly at work, (61) ___________, and 37% said a women’s movement was needed.

  Text Two

  A. the smaller

  B. as much as

  C. up to a year

  D. more likely


  A. 20% 62 to feel happy

  B. 63 the physical distance between friends

  C. but not 64 happiness

  D. lasted for 65

  The new study found that friends of happy people had a greater chance of being happy themselves. And 66 , the larger the effect they had on each other's happiness. For example, a person was 67 if a friend living within one and a half kilometers was also happy. Having a happy neighbor who lived next door increased an individual’s chance of being happy by 34%. The effects of friends' happiness 68 . The researcher found that happiness really is contagious (传染的).Sadness also spread among friends, 69 .

  Text Three

  A. petition

  B. started

  C require

  A launched an online 70

  A. 71 female workers to wear high heels

  C. 72 a movement to end the requirement

  Women across Japan are fed up with having to wear high-heeled shoes to work. One woman is so fed up that she 73 for female employees to wear the shoes. The movement has the #KuToo#. This is a combination of the Japanese words "kutsu" (which means shoe) and "kutsuu" (which is the Japanese word for pain). The movement was started by Japanese actress Yumi Ishikawa. She tweeted about her belief that employers in Japan should not 74 .Ms Ishikawa also 75 . It asks Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to forbid employers from requiring women to wear certain types of shoes.

  Part VI Translation(10 points)

  Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  In life, once on a path, we tend to follow it, for better or worse. What's sad is that even if it's the latter we often accept it anyway because we are so accustomed to the way things are that we don 't even recognize that they could be different.

  Here are some techniques that could help broaden the way you think. First, look as if you've never seen."Beginner's mind"allows you to remain open to new experiences despite any expertise you may have. Then, shift into positivity. Take a few moments to think about the things in your life that are going well. This will brighten your mood and free your brain.

  Part VIl Writing(15points)

  Directions: Write an essay in no less than 150 words on the topic: Ways to Live a Simpler Life in a Modern World. You could write according to the clues given below Write your essay on the Answer Sheet.


  Part I Oral Communication

  Section A (2017)

  1. 【答案】 A


  2. 【答案】 C

  空白上文说到“Frank准备就提高最低(销售)要求提些建议”,Kevin要谈论的一定得与此有关,意思上才连贯。若选择B项Is Alan attending?显然与上文无法衔接,所以推断答案应为C项That’ll be interesting。其中代词That承上文,回指Alice所提到的suggestions内容。再看紧接下来的一句He’s got keen insights,这里的He指上文提到的Frank,因为Frank “看问题很有见地”,所以Kevin认为他提出的建议会很interesting。上下文逻辑通顺一致,确认C为正确选项。

  3. 【答案】 B

  此题相对比较简单,一是前两个答案已经确定的前提下,最后一个选项无疑是本题的答案,二是空白下文是No,而B项正好是一般疑问句,填入空白符合问答对应的原则。三是空白下文提到he’s flying to San Francisco and won’t be able to make it,其中的he回指代B项中的Alan,won’t be able to make it回答了attending的问题。可见句式问答对应,内容前后一致,所以选项B为正确答案。


  Alice: 我们打算明天开个会,你能参加吗?

  Kevin: (A)什么时候开?

  Alice: 计划是10点,你行吗?

  Kevin: 可以。

  Alice: 我们打算讨论一下上个季度的销售情况。

  Kevin: 好,我也说说我的想法。

  Alice: Frank准备就改进最低要求提些建议。

  Kevin: (C)那太好啦!他还是有些比较好的想法的。

  Alice: 是的,他想就新的销售策略提些规划性设想。

  Kevin: (B)Alan也能来参会吧?

  Alice: 他来不了,他要去San Francisco。

  Kevin: 噢,也许他会打电话的。

  Dialogue Two (2017)

  4. 【答案】 C

  此题是三个题中最容易的,因为是Ann说的话,而Ann对住房不满意,所以Ann给Roger打电话和他谈这个事:Well, that’s what I’m calling about。接下来是要填入的内容一定是Ann对住处的想法,由此推断C项I’ve decided to look for a new place应该填入此题。再根据空白下文提到的what’s the problem with your place now“现在这个地方怎么不好啊?”确认C项为答案无误。

  5. 【答案】 B

  本题紧接第4题,Ann说她决定换一个住处,Roger询问其原因: “噢?怎么了,出了什么问题?”,因为他不知道Ann对新房子的感觉,所以感到不解,接下来便应该填入B项I thought you liked the apartment“我以为你挺喜欢这个房子的呢”才顺理成章。另外,空白下文的I do是指的是I like,与选项B中的like呼应一致,所以无论从词汇照应还是从语境一致角度,B都是此题的正确答案。

  6. 【答案】 A

  虽然最后一个选项非此题莫属,我们也要交叉确认一下答案,确保都无误。A选项“I’ll drop by there on my way to class today”中关键是抓住there一词,回看前一句Well, I know there’s an apartment complex around the corner,显然“校园一角的公寓楼群”便是选项中提到的there所指,因为Roger“know more about the housing situation near the school”,Roger知道那里seems to have a few vacancies,所以Roger 说I’ll drop by there on my way to class today“今天我去上课时顺便过去看看”。由此,根据上下文语境内容确认A项是此题的答案。


  Roger: 你好!

  Ann: 你好!是Roger吗?我是Ann。

  Roger: 你好Ann!近来好吗?对新房子感觉怎么样啊?

  Ann: 哦,我打电话就是要和你说这事呢!(C)我已决定再换个地方。

  Roger: 噢?怎么了,出了什么问题?(B)我以为你挺喜欢这个房子的呢!

  Ann: 我是喜欢,可是离学校有点远,天天来回跑太麻烦了。你有什么建议吗?我觉得你可能对学校附近的房子行情比较了解。

  Roger: 嗯,我知道在校园一角的公寓楼群好像还有几套空房。(A)今天我去上课时顺便过去看看。

  Ann: 那太好了,多谢!

  Roger: 不客气!

  Section B (2016)

  7.【答案】 C

  解析:根据对话第三行采访者的话“成为首位亿万富翁作家会影响你对自己的看法”可知,四个选择中只有C 选项提到 the first billionaire author,故本题选 C。

  8.【答案】 D

  解析:根据这位作家(J.K.Rowling)对自己之前窘迫生活状况的描述,这里 D 选项合适,与金钱有关,但不单单只是金钱。故本题选 D。

  9.【答案】 B

  解析:根据第 9 题空格前的“除了没有无家可归之外一贫如洗”和空格后的 never,可知这里应该是一个转折,选项中只有B“但是现在我再也不用担心了”相符,故本题选 B。

  10.【答案】 A

  解析:根据采访者最后一个问题“你还会继续写作吗?” 可知这里是回答是否会继续写作以及原因,并且第10题空格前出现“I can’t,…”,选项中A与问句相符,故本题选 A。




  采访者: 那么成为首位亿万富翁作家会影响你对自己的看法吗?


  采访者: 现在这些让你认为自己会一直富有吗?




  Part II Vocabulary (2017-2016)

  11. (D) disappear—wear off 磨损,逐渐消失

  A. remain 留下;仍然是 B. dry 使干燥,晒干

  C. work 工作;起作用 D. disappear 磨损,逐渐消失


  12. (B) put up with—tolerate 容忍,忍受 (2003,选项答案相反)

  A. catch up with 追上,赶上 B. put up with 容忍,忍受 (2007)

  C. come up with 提出, D. live up to 无愧于,不辜负


  13. (A)with regard to--- in terms of 关于

  A. with regard to 关于 B. in contrast to 与……相对比/相对照

  C. in addition to 另外,除…之外 D. as opposed to 与⋯⋯相对


  14. (C) fraud--- deception 欺骗

  A.delay 推迟,耽搁,延误 B. damage 损害,毁坏

  C.fraud 欺骗,欺诈行为,骗子 D. shock 冲击,震动,震惊,电击


  15. (B) intentional---deliberate 故意的

  A. obvious 明显的 B. intentional 故意的

  C. surprising 令人吃惊的 D. foolish 愚笨的,愚蠢的


  16. 【答案】 D

  解析:句中词prospect 前景,展望。

  A. background 背景 B. exploration 探索

  C. survey 调查 D. outlook 前景


  17. 【答案】 C

  解析:句中词 burned out 精疲力竭的。

  A. distressed 痛苦的,忧虑的 B. anxious 焦虑的

  C. exhausted 疲惫的 D. upset 难过的


  18. 【答案】 D

  解析:句中词merging 合并,结合。

  A. cooperation 合作,协作 B. meeting 会见,接触

  C. agreement 同意 D. combination 结合划


  19 【答案】 B

  解析:句中词 eligible 符合条件的。

  A. required 必须的 B. qualified 有资格的

  C. selected挑选出来的 D. elected 选举的


  20. 【答案】 C

  解析:句中词 barely几乎不。

  A. simply 简单地,仅仅 B. quickly 迅速地

  C. hardly几乎不 D. strongly 强有力地

  【译文】气温 38 度,空调难以使屋子冷却下来。

  Part III Reading Comprehension

  Section A

  Passage One (2017)

  21. 【答案】 A

  【考点】 细节推断



  22. 【答案】 D

  【考点】 词汇含义

  【分析】问题问在第二段中的单词“solitude”可能的意思是什么。如果考生认识该词汇,知道其词义为:“孤独,隐居,独处”,可以直接选择正确答案D,独自一人住,独处。如果不认识这个词汇,而了解英语词根sol--,soli—的意思是alone,也可以找出正确答案D,staying alone。含有这个词根表示独自、一个的例词还有:sole“唯一的,专用的”,solely“单独地,仅仅”,solitary“孤独的,唯一的;独居者”,solo“独唱,独奏”,soliloquy“独白,独自一人说的话”,solid“一致的,固体的,坚实的,结合成为一体的”等。另外,还可以利用上下文内容猜出本词的含义。利用查阅式阅读,我们可以在第二段中第一、二句话里找到相关信息:坦尚尼对独处的接纳是相当不寻常的:人类长期以来一直认为孤独是一种不便,是应避免的东西,是一种惩罚,是孤独者的一种境界。根据isolation、loner、后文中的loneliness这些词汇,我们可以推断solitude与这些词汇的意思比较相近,均为孤独、独处、一个人做事,因此,本题的正确答案是D。


  23. 【答案】 D

  【考点】 细节推断



  24. 【答案】 D

  【考点】 细节推断

  【分析】问题问按照杰克·方的观点,个人危机感可能是受什么的影响。利用查阅式阅读,我们可以在第三段中找到以下信息:加州理工大学研究孤独的社会学家杰克·方解释说: “当人们经历危机时,并不总是你的问题: 而是有关你在社会中怎样的问题。” 而第四段第一句是对此句的解释和补充:换言之,当人们从其生活的社会环境中脱离出来时,他们就能更好地看到他们是如何被这种环境所塑造的。由此我们可以推断出杰克·方的观点是社会环境会影响人的危机感。所以,本题的正确答案是D,社会环境。


  25. 【答案】 C

  【考点】 文章主题






  这在一定程度的性格障碍时期尤其如此,那时人们经常会本能地去寻求外界的支持。加州理工大学研究孤独的社会学家杰克·方解释说: “当人们经历危机时,并不总是你的问题: 而是有关你在社会中怎样的问题。”

  换言之,当人们从其生活的社会环境中脱离出来时,他们就能更好地看到他们是如何被这种环境所塑造的。僧侣作家托马斯·默顿独自度过了数年的时间,他也有类似的想法。他在《独处中的沉思》中写道: “我们不能正确地观察事物直到我们不再将其抱在怀中。人们可以去散步或听音乐,体会自己内心深处的个人感触。”

  Passage Two (2017)

  26. 【答案】 C

  【考点】 细节推断

  【分析】问题问按照安妮·波茨的观点,母鸡选择稍后更好的奖励表明它们具有什么能力。我们可以在文章第二段找到相关内容:正如坎特伯雷大学的安妮·波茨所指出的那样,即使分离了几个月,小鸡也可以在100只小鸡中分辨并认出熟悉的面孔来。让鸡解决问题时,它们会推理:那些接受过选择彩色按钮训练的母鸡有时会选择放弃即刻 (较小)的食物奖励,而选择稍微晚一点(更好)的奖励。由此我们可以判断出安妮·波茨认为母鸡具有推理能力。所以,本题的正确答案是C,逻辑推理。


  27. 【答案】 A

  【考点】 词语含义


  词组not-inconsiderable feat表明猪能做的事情是怎样的。根据双重否定相当于肯定的规律,not-inconsiderable的意思是considerable的意思,即:相当大的;相当多的;可观的;重大的,重要的;值得考虑的,值得注意的;显著的。由此我们可以选出正确答案应为A,超常的,非凡的,异乎寻常的,显著的。


  28. 【答案】 C

  【考点】 段落大意

  【分析】问题问第四段主要讲了什么。文章第四段指出:很快,我认识到和我们的近亲一样, 鲸目动物也是文化学习的大师,而大象会与其社会同伴一起表达深深的喜悦和悲哀。对这些哺乳动物的长期野外研究有助于我们社会的观念转变:公众不再那么容易接受强迫猴子在实验室里经受痛苦的过程、大象被迫在马戏团里的表演和海豚被关在主题公园里的小贮水池里的境遇了。根据这些信息,我们可以总结归纳出本段主要是介绍通过对哺乳动物的研究和了解,人类会转变社会观念,公众不再接受各种强迫动物的事情了。因此,本题的正确答案是C,公众对待哺乳动物的态度的转变。


  29. 【答案】 D

  【考点】 观点推断

  【分析】问题问作者关于吃“食物动物”的观点是什么。利用查阅式阅读,我们可以在第五段中找到相关信息:然而,随着时间的推移,随着我开始进一步扩大并探讨鱼、鸡、猪、山羊和牛的内心生活,我开始怀疑:“食物动物”这门新科学是否会给我们的饮食带来一场道德革命?换句话说,我们的道德的广度是否会开始赶上我们的科学的广度? 而最后一段指出:当然,动物维权人士已经在那里承诺不吃这些动物。但是我们其他人呢?关注这些动物的思想和感觉会导致我们改变我们的饮食吗? 由此,我们可以推断出作者对吃“食物动物”的观点是否定的,认为这么做会违背道德,人们应该改变饮食,不吃这些动物。所以,本题的正确答案应该是D,他呼吁改变我们的饮食。


  30. 【答案】 C

  【考点】 最佳标题

  【分析】文章的最佳标题是什么。通读全文,我们可以看出文章首先指出科学终于开始接纳那些长期以来被认为是二等公民的动物。接着作者通过两个大学的科研人员对鸡和猪的观察研究详细介绍了鸡和猪都有识别、判断、决定和推理的能力。最后作者提出鲸目动物和哺乳动物也有类似的思想和感觉,由此引出令人深思的问题:“食物动物”这门新科学是否会给我们的饮食带来一场道德革命? 关注这些动物的思想和感觉会导致我们改变我们的饮食吗? 由此我们可以看出文章主要围绕动物也会思考、也有感觉、有识别判断和推理的能力来展开的。所以,本题的正确答案是C,食物动物的内心世界。




  正如坎特伯雷大学的安妮·波茨所指出的那样,即使分离了几个月,小鸡也可以在100只小鸡中分辨并认出熟悉的面孔来。让鸡解决问题时,它们会推理:那些接受过选择彩色按钮训练的母鸡有时会选择放弃即刻 (较小)的食物奖励,而选择稍微晚一点(更好)的奖励。健康的母鸡可能帮助朋友,而且当那些朋友死掉时,这些健康的母鸡还会哀悼它们。


  很快,我认识到和我们的近亲一样, 鲸目动物也是文化学习的大师,而大象会与其社会同伴一起表达深深的喜悦和悲哀。对这些哺乳动物的长期野外研究有助于我们社会的观念转变:公众不再那么容易接受强迫猴子在实验室里经受痛苦的过程、大象被迫在马戏团里表演、而海豚被关在主题公园里的小贮水池的境遇了。



  Passage Three (2016)


  本文主要描述了作者在 La Réunion 南边一个漂亮的有机农场参加WWOOFing的一次愉快并且收益颇丰的经历。

  31. 【答案】A


  【解析】 在有机农场做义工能让志愿者怎么样?

  根据题干关键词,定位到文章第一段第二句,With WWOOFing, volunteers exchange their time and work for food and accommodation. 在这个活动中,自愿者通过交换时间劳动换取食物和住宿。因此选A项“通过劳动换取食物和住宿”。

  【误项排除】B 项“免费环游 La Réunion”,C.项 “找出各种鸟类之间的差异”,D项 “与野生动物亲密接触”,这三项不符合题意。

  32. 【答案】B


  【解析】本题问着是作者对La Réunion有机农场的感受是什么。

  根据题干关键词,定位到文章第二段:这也正是我喜爱WWOOFing 的原因。在有机农场做义工也是一种很好的旅行方式。且根据在第三段最后两句所述,我对能参与树木周期最开始的部分满怀感激。这么小的幼苗能长成粗壮的大树,我内心不由得生出敬畏之情。并结合第四段第一句,我们也做了大量的除草工作,这让我认识了各种不同的植物,并能辨别哪些可以用来制作草药,哪些可以做沙拉,哪些不能吃。综合以上,故选B项“值得的,受益匪浅的”。

  【误项排除】A 项“糟糕的,极坏的”,C项 “舒服的,安逸的”,D项 “困难的,艰辛的”,这三项不符合题意。

  33. 【答案】D


  【解析】 作者在有机农场没有做哪件事。


  【误项排除】A项“除杂草”,B 项 “种植棕榈树”,C 项 “收获水果” ,这三项不符合题意。

  34. 【答案】D


  【解析】 WWOOFing 透射出的哲学意义是什么。


  【误项排除】A项“改善当地环境”,B 项 “改善当地人的生活”,C 项 “使不同的社区团结在一起” ,这三项不符合题意。

  35. 【答案】C



  本文主要描述了作者在 La Réunion 南边一个漂亮的有机农场参加WWOOFing的一次愉快的经历。因此选C项“有机农场做义工的愉悦经历”。



  去年,我参加了在 La Réunion 南边一个漂亮的有机农场的WWOOFing(自愿参加有机农场劳动的活动)。在这个活动中,自愿者通过交换时间和劳动来换取食物和住宿。我睡在林中小屋,附近有刺猬在灌木丛中挖洞,各种鲜艳颜色的小鸟在早晨歌唱,还有成排看不见尽头的棕榈树遮阴挡阳。


  参加这个活动,我们需要学习的有很多,因为每个农场的环境,气候和土壤不同,所以做事方式也不尽相同。在La Réunion有机农场,我们种植了棕榈树。这种棕榈树长大后,便可以收获棕榈心,棕榈心营养价值极高,可以制成美味沙拉。在此之前,我只吃过棕榈心罐头制品,但那味道和新鲜棕榈心的味道相差甚远。当我栽培棕榈幼苗时,我对能参与树木周期最开始的部分满怀感激。这么小的幼苗能长成粗壮的大树,我内心不由得生出敬畏之情。


  当然了,并不是每个人都能够去很远的农田里。WWOOFing 折射出的技能分享哲学的伟大之处在于这些东西我们都可以从自己的后院制作出来。重点从金钱转移到如何最好的在我们的社区中互相支持。一个公平的交换可以使这个世界大不同。

  Passage Four (2016)



  36. 【答案】B




  【误项排除】A 项“贯彻实施道路规章的困难”,C项 “在繁忙大街上,乱穿马路的危害”,D项 “手机造成的走路分神”这三项不符合题意。

  37. 【答案】C


  【解析】 针对行人走路分神,美国的一些州出台了法案,然后怎么样。



  38. 【答案】A


  【解析】 根据兰皮特的提议,走路发短信应如何处罚。


  【误项排除】B 项“需接受安全教育”,C项 “应公开批评”,D项 “处以50美元以上罚金”这三项不符合题意。

  39. 【答案】C


  【解析】 兰皮特认为行人走路分神和什么一样危险。



  40. 【答案】D


  【解析】 作者最赞成的观点是什么。


  【误项排除】A项“走路分神受伤的多是男性群体”,B 项 “警察对新的立法不满意”,C 项 “安全教育比处罚更重要” ,这三项不符合题意。








  Section B (2016)



  41. 【答案】B


  【解析】 作者赞成哪个观点。


  【误项排除】A 项“乔布斯和比尔盖茨穿着很正式”,C项 “人确实得靠衣装”,D项 “穿着得体的人很可能成功”,这三项不符合题意。

  42. 【答案】A




  【误项排除】B 项“是强大的,可信的”,C项 “是部分事实”,D项 “对我们是毫无价值的”这三项不符合题意。

  43. 【答案】D




  【误项排除】A项“不喜欢斯蒂夫·乔布斯在商务场合的着装”,B 项 “表示商务人士对服装的品味差”,C 项 “认为穿的好代表很成功” ,这三项不符合题意。

  44. 【答案】D




  【误项排除】A项“指出斯蒂夫·乔布斯是个有进取心的人”,B 项 “指出他和乔布斯以前在同一个俱乐部”,C 项 “和博主观点相同” ,这三项不符合题意。

  45. 【答案】B


  【解析】 评论3中,教授对自己穿牛仔裤来参加宴会的看法。


  【误项排除】A 项“认为人们会喜欢他穿的衣服”,C项 “感觉很尴尬”,D项 “认为自己穿的不合时宜”,这三项不符合题意。











  Part IV Cloze (2018)









  【误项排除】A项cooking烹饪, B项laundry洗衣, C项homework家务,不符合原文。



  【解析】此处考查的是短语搭配:have an impact on sth,对……有影响。因此A项符合题意。






























  【误项排除】A项demand要求; C项mention提及,D项provide提供,不符合原文。




  丹·卡森,研究家庭与消费者关系的犹他大学副教授, 同时也是该项研究的主作者,提出了自己的观点:洗碗很糟糕,而且不像其它的家务如烹饪或园艺,洗碗并不能得到称赞。

  Part V Text Completion

  Text One (2013)



  【解析】空格处缺少felt的宾语成分,而能够做宾语的词性是名词,且根据空格后面的介词for,只有B项符合:need for sth.“需求……”。


  【解析】空格前面是be动词,后面是一个名词性短语,只有A项符合。be optimistic about“对……感到乐观”是一个常用搭配,且后面需要一个名词性成份做介词about的宾语。


  【解析】根据空格前的less than可以得知是数量的对比,C项a third“三分之一”符合句意,且数词后面经常接of 短语,如millions of books。


  【解析】根据空格前面的and和后面的said,可以得知此处需要一个主语,C项是一个名词性短语可以做主语,在结构能与上一句: 55% of 3,000 Japanese women polled said……并列,且语意上顺承达意。


  【解析】根据空格前面的said和后面的a strong and organized women’s movement可以推断此处缺少said的宾语,A项是一个主谓结构可以做宾语,且该项结尾的介词for需要一个名词性短语做宾语,因此选A。





  Text Two (2015)



  【解析】根据空格后的不定式结构,结合选项,只有 D 项 more likely:更可能,符合题意。


  【解析】根据空格后的句意:朋友之间的自然距离,因此选 A 项 the smaller:更小,符合题意。


  【解析】空格处是修饰 happiness 的定语成分,结合选项,只有 B 项 as much as:和…一样多, 符合题意。


  【解析】结合句意,此处指的是持续的时间长达一年,因此选 C 项 up to a year:多达一年,符合题意。


  【解析】根据空格后的句意:他们之间快乐情绪的影响就越大,结合句子结构(the more…, the more…),可知 B 项“朋友之间的具体距离越短”符合题意。


  【解析】空格处是 be 动词引导的表语成分,并结合句意,可知 A 项“有 20%的可能性感到快乐”符合题意。


  【解析】空格处缺少动宾成分,结合选项和句意(朋友的快乐对你的影响),只有 D 项“持续长达一年”符合题意。


  【解析】根据前半句的所述,伤感也是可以传染的,且空格前是逗号,可知空格处是一个独立成分,结合选项,只有 C 项“但没有快乐的影响大”符合题意。



  离越短,他们之间快乐情绪的影响就越大。比如,你有一个朋友,居住在离你 1.5 公里内

  的地方,如果这个朋友也是快乐的,那么你就有 20%的可能性感到快乐。如果居住在你隔

  壁的邻居是一个快乐的人,这就有 34%的几率会让你感到快乐。朋友的快乐对你的影响能



  Text three (2019)



  【解析】很显然空格处缺少个名词成分,an online petition 表示一封网络请愿书。


  【解析】考查固定搭配,require sb to do sth,含义是要求某人做某事,而start没有这一用法。因此C项符合题意。


  【解析】started a movement,意思是发起一项运动。可知B项符合题意。


  【解析】根据语义关联原则,空格所在句子后一句,我们看到了the movement,说明该词前文有出现,因此选C项。








  Paper Two 试卷二 (2019)

  Part VI Translation


  Part VII Writing


  命题方式为提纲式作文,题目为“Ways to live a simpler life in modern world”,“现代社会里如何简化人生。”




  第二段:抓住simpler 这个关键词做文章。列举2-3个分论点。





  三. 具体表达:

  第一段: It is this issue that has aroused much concern in the society.

  第二段:The following factors, to my best knowledge, may help make life simpler. To begin with,…… Moreover, …… Last but not least,……列举要素以例证。

  第三段:总结并展望。As for individual, we could try best to live simpler and at the same time look forward to a pleasing and harmonious society.

  四. 参考范文 (2019)

  Ways to live a simpler life in modern world

  The past few decades has witnessed rapid economic and social development in China. Life pace is becoming increasingly fast and when the moment we wake up every morning, we are taught to earn more money, to know more people, to do this and that. Sometimes we do forget how to relax ourselves and refresh our mind to live simpler and more comfortable.

  To my best knowledge, these factors may help make life simpler. On the one hand, there is no doubt that we are live in a money-oriented society and almost everybody looks up towards benefits he/she can get. But the money we earned usually spent in something we do not really need, like boy’s sport shoes or girl’s lipsticks. We bought many for vanity. It is time to learn how to cut those non-necessities off our life. On the other hand, compared with a variety of social activities, (have a dinner or play video games together after work, etc.) maybe we are supposed to look for something more worthy to treasure such as family, learning and personal achievement. We could cook for parents, take children to the park, or leave some time for ourselves to learn something new or something we are interested in. These are facile and efficient for us to clam down and ease the pressure.

  From what has been discussed above, we may safely conclude that many factors contribute to a simple life. As for individual, therefore, we could try best to live simpler and at the same time look forward to a pleasing and harmonious society.






