

来源:在职研究生招生网 2021-10-23 17:23:09


  Last year, I went WWOOFing (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) at a beautiful organic farm in La Réunion. With WWOOFing, volunteers exchange their time and work for food and accommodation. I slept in a cabin in the woods with hedgehogs(刺猬) digging about in the bushes, all different coloured birds singing in the morning and endless rows of palm trees offering shade from the sun.

  For me, one of the best ways to get to know a new place is to work with the land, live with the locals and share meals together. This is why I absolutely love WWOOFing. It has got to be one of the best ways to travel. It is a mutually beneficial exchange where everyone involved prioritises people and environment above profit. You get the time and space to deepen a connection with local communities and nature.

  There is a lot to learn and each farm has its own unique way of doing things, depending on the environment, climate and soil. At the farm in La Réunion we planted palm trees to harvest the core of the trunk which can be eaten in salads. Before staying with the farm I had only eaten heart of palm from cans which were nothing in comparison to the real thing, fresh from the ground. When potting up the very beginnings of the palm trees, I felt grateful to be a part of the start of the trees' cycle. I was filled with awe that something so small could grow into something so big and strong.

  We also did lots of weeding, which helped me to get to know all kinds of different plants, to be able to identify which ones we could use as herbs/medicine/in salads and which were seen as uneatable. I also got to harvest pineapples and guava fruit(番石榴) to make jams which will be sold at the local market.

  Of course, not everyone is able to travel far away into the field. The great thing about the skill-share philosophy behind WWOOFing is that it’s something we can all do from our own backyard. The focus shifts from money to how we can best support each other in our communities. A fair exchange can make a big difference in the world.

  1. WWOOFing enables volunteers to _______.

  A. get food and shelter for their work

  B. travel around La Réunion for free

  C. tell the differences between various birds

  D. have close contact with wild animals

  2. The author found his farm life in La Réunion quite ____________.

  A. awful

  B. rewarding

  C. comfortable

  D. difficult

  3. The author did all of the following on the organic farm EXCEPT ____________.

  A. removing weeds

  B. planting palm trees

  C. harvesting fruits

  D. collecting vegetables

  4. The philosophy of WWOOFing is to ____________.

  A. improve local environment

  B. make locals live better

  C. unite different communities

  D. advocate a fair exchange

  5. This passage is mainly about ____________.

  A. the development of WWOOFing

  B. a local WWOOFing community

  C. a charming WWOOFing experience

  D. the system of WWOOFing



  1. 【答案】A


  【解析】 在有机农场做义工能让志愿者怎么样?

  根据题干关键词,定位到文章第一段第二句,With WWOOFing, volunteers exchange their time and work for food and accommodation. 在这个活动中,自愿者通过交换时间劳动换取食物和住宿。因此选A项“通过劳动换取食物和住宿”。

  【误项排除】B 项“免费环游 La Réunion”,C.项 “找出各种鸟类之间的差异”,D项 “与野生动物亲密接触”,这三项不符合题意。

  2. 【答案】B


  【解析】本题问着是作者对La Réunion有机农场的感受是什么。

  根据题干关键词,定位到文章第二段:这也正是我喜爱WWOOFing 的原因。在有机农场做义工也是一种很好的旅行方式。且根据在第三段最后两句所述,我对能参与树木周期最开始的部分满怀感激。这么小的幼苗能长成粗壮的大树,我内心不由得生出敬畏之情。并结合第四段第一句,我们也做了大量的除草工作,这让我认识了各种不同的植物,并能辨别哪些可以用来制作草药,哪些可以做沙拉,哪些不能吃。综合以上,故选B项“值得的,受益匪浅的”。

  【误项排除】A 项“糟糕的,极坏的”,C项 “舒服的,安逸的”,D项 “困难的,艰辛的”,这三项不符合题意。

  3. 【答案】D


  【解析】 作者在有机农场没有做哪件事。


  【误项排除】A项“除杂草”,B 项 “种植棕榈树”,C 项 “收获水果” ,这三项不符合题意。

  4. 【答案】D


  【解析】 WWOOFing 透射出的哲学意义是什么。


  【误项排除】A项“改善当地环境”,B 项 “改善当地人的生活”,C 项 “使不同的社区团结在一起” ,这三项不符合题意。

  5. 【答案】C



  本文主要描述了作者在 La Réunion 南边一个漂亮的有机农场参加WWOOFing的一次愉快的经历。因此选C项“有机农场做义工的愉悦经历”。





学制: 3年 学费: 69000

上课地点: 陕西 授课方式:面授班

学制: 1年 学费: 16000

上课地点: 深圳 授课方式:网络班/面授班



