

来源:在职研究生招生网 2022-02-14 10:14:45



  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)


  Rats and other animals need to be highly at tuned to social signals from others so that can identify friends to cooperate with and enemies to avoid. To find out if this extends to non-living beings, Loleh Quinn at the University of California, San Diego, and her colleagues tested whether rats can detect social signals form robotic rats.

  They housed eight adult rats with two types of robotic rat- one social and one asocial 一 for 5 our days. The robots rats were quite minimalist, resembling a chunkier version of a computer mouse with wheels-to move around and colorful markings.

  During the experiment, the social robot rat followed the living rats around, played with the same toys, and opened caged doors to let trapped rats escape. Meanwhile, the asocial robot simply moved forwards and backwards and side to side

  Next, the researchers trapped the robots in cages and gave the rats the opportunity to release them by pressing a lever.

  Across 18 trials each, the living rats were 52 percent more likely on average to set the social robot free than the asocial one. This suggests that the rats perceived the social robot as a genuine social being. They may have bonded more with the social robot because it displayed behaviors like communal exploring and playing. This could lead to the rats better remembering having freed it earlier, and wanting the robot to return the favour when they get trapped, says Quinn.

  The readiness of the rats to befriend the social robot was surprising given its minimal design. The robot was the same size as a regular rat but resembled a simple plastic box on wheels. “We' d assumed we' d have to give it a moving head and tail, facial features, and put a scene on it to make it smell like a real rat, but that wasn’t necessary, ”says Janet Wiles at the University of Queensland in Australia, who helped with the research.

  The finding shows how sensitive rats are to social cues, even when they come from basic robots. Similarly, children tend to treat robots as if they are fellow beings, even when they display only simple social signals.“ We humans seem to be fascinated by robots, and it turns out other animals are too,”says Wiles.

  1. Quin and her colleagues conducted a test to see if rats can________

  [A] pickup social signals from non-living rats

  [B] distinguish a friendly rat from a hostile one

  [C] attain sociable traits through special training

  [D] send out warning messages to their fellow

  2. What did the social robot do during the experiment?

  [A] It followed the social robot.

  [B]It played with some toys.

  [C] It set the trapped rats free.

  [D]It moved around alone.

  3. According to Quinn, the rats released the social robot because they________

  [A] tried to practice a means of escape

  [B] expected it to do the same in return

  [C] wanted to display their intelligence

  [D]considered that an interesting game

  4. James Wiles notes that rats________

  [A]can remember other rat's facial features

  [B] differentiate smells better than sizes

  [C] respond more to cations than to looks [D]can be scared by a plastic box on wheels

  5. It can be learned from the text that rats________

  [A]appear to be adaptable to new surroundings

  [B] are more socially active than other animals

  [C] behave differently from children in socializing

  [D]are more sensitive to social cues than expected


  1. 【答案】A pick up social signals from non-living rats

  解析:本题目为细节题,考察具体细节。根据题干关键词 Quinn and her colleagues 和 a test 定位到第一段第二句。To find out if this extends to non-living beings, Loleh Quinn at the University of California, San Diego, and her colleagues tested whether rats can detect social signals from robotic rats. 为了查明这是否延伸到了非生物,Quinn 和她的同事测试了老鼠能否从机器老鼠身上探测到社会信号。正确答案 A 是原文的同义替换。选项 B 的 distinguish a friendly rat from a hostile one 区分友好的老鼠和敌对的老鼠,并未提及,是常识性干扰。选项 C 的 attain sociable traits through special training 通过特殊训练获得社交品质,原文并未提及,属于无中生有。选项 D 的 send out warning messages to their fellow 向它们的同伴发出警告信息,原文并未提及,属于无中生有。

  2.【答案】D It moved around alone.

  解析:本题目为细节题,考察具体细节。根据题干关键词 the asocial robot 和 experiment 定位到第三段最后一句 Meanwhile, the asocial robot simply moved forwards and backwards and side to side.同时,不具有社交能力的机器人只能进行简单的前后左右移动。正确答案 D It moved around alone.是原文的同义替换。选项 A 的 It followed the social robot.它跟随具备社交能力的老鼠,与原文 the social robot rat followed the living rats around 不符,原文说的是具备社交能力的老鼠跟随真老鼠,属于张冠李戴。选项 B 的 It played with some toys.它玩一些玩具,与原文符,原文中说的是具备社交能力的老鼠玩同样的玩具,属于张冠李戴。选项 C的 It set the trapped rats free.它释放了被困的老鼠也与原文内容不符,原文说的同样是具备社交能力的老鼠,而题干问的是不具备社交能力的老鼠在实验中做了什么,属于张冠李戴。

  3.【答案】B expected it to do the same in return

  解析:本题目为细节题,考察具体细节。根据题干关键词 Quinn 和 the rats released the social robots 往下定位到第四五段,第五段最后一句 This could lead to the rats better remembering having freed it earlier, and wanting the robot to return the favour when they get trapped, says Quinn. Quinn 说:这可能会让老鼠更好地记住早些时候已经释放了机器人,并希望机器人在它们被困住时能回报它们的恩惠。正确答案 B expected it to do the same in return 是原文的同义替换。干扰项 A 的 tried to practice a means of escape 试图尝试一种逃跑的方法,原文并未提及,属于无中生有。选项 C 的 wanted to display their intelligence 想要展示它们的智慧,文中并未提到,属于无中生有。选项 D 的 considered that an interesting game 觉得是个有趣的游戏在原文当中也没有体现,属于无中生有。

  4.【答案】C respond more to actions than to looks

  解析:本题目为细节题,考察具体细节。根据题干关键词 James Wiles 定位到第六七段,尾段尾句 We humans seem to be fascinated by robots, and it turns out other animals are too, says Wiles. Wiles 说:“我们人类似乎对机器人很着迷,事实证明其他动物也很着迷。”再结合尾段前面部分的阐述,会发现正确答案 C respond more to actions than to looks 对行动的反应多于对外表的反应,是原文的类似表达。干扰项 A 的 can remember other rat's facial features能够记住其他老鼠的面部特征,与原文内容不符,原文第六段说的是假设赋予机器老鼠面部特征,那都不重要,属于偷换概念。选项 B 的 differentiate smells better than sizes 与体型大小相比,能够更好地区分气味,原文中只提到赋予机器老鼠真老鼠的气味,与原文不符,属于偷换概念。选项 D 的 can be scared by a plastic box on wheels 会被装有轮子的塑料盒子吓坏,文中机器老鼠只是装有轮子的塑料盒子,还是属于偷换概念。

  5.【答案】D are more sensitive to social cues than expected

  解析:本题目为推断题,考察基于全文主旨进行推断。题干并没有具体关键词,因此需要通过选项回到文中逐一对应。正确答案 D are more sensitive to social cues than expected 对社交线索比预期更敏感,与原文尾段首句 The finding shows how sensitive rats are to social cues,even when they come from basic robots.(这一发现显示了老鼠对社交暗示的敏感程度,即使是来自基本机器老鼠的社交暗示)属于类似表达。选项 A 的 appear to be adaptable to newsurroundings 似乎能适应新环境,在文中并未提及,属于无中生有。选项 B 的 are more sociallyactive than other animals 比其他动物更活跃,文中只提到其他动物也一样会对机器人着迷,属于偷换概念。干扰项 C 的 behave differently from children in socializing 在社交活动中表现得与孩子不同,与原文内容相反,原文内容指的是孩子们倾向于把机器人当作人来对待,即使他们只显示简单的社会信号。这一点与老鼠是一样的,属于正反混淆。





