

来源:在职研究生招生网 2016-07-01 15:46:05



  本系统根据国内中小餐厅现状开发,采用了C/S架构,同时使用MyEclipse作为前台开发工具,SQL Server 2005作为后台数据库。前者是一个开放源代码的、基于Java的可扩展开发平台,具有稳定和与平台无关的特性;对于后者主要是利用了其在数据库方面的优势,其拥有对数据库强大的支持能力。本系统采用JDBC技术连接数据库。在软件开发方式上,采用软件工程分析、设计软件的主要一般步骤及模型来完成设计,这里软件开发方法主要是面向对象的软件开发方法。

  本系统主要具有点菜功能、智能化获取菜品功能、自动结账功能、营业额报表功能,并继承Java的“Write Once, Run Anywhere”的优点,可以在任何一个系统下运行。本系统的优点在于能充分发挥客户端的处理能力,对服务器的运行数据负荷比较轻,且数据的存储管理比较通透。

  关键词:餐饮管理系统,SQL Server 2005,MyEclipse,Java


  Modern catering industry services more informative.In order to improve labor productivity, reduce costs, improve service quality and management level, thus promoting economic efficiency, have to rely on computers to carry out the modernization of information management.Restaurant Management System is designed for this purpose.

  The system developed under the current situation of domestic small and medium sized restaurant, with a C /S structure, using MyEclipse as a development tool, SQL Server 2005 as backend database.The former is an open source, Java-based extensible development platform, has the stability and characteristics of platform-independent; for the latter is the use of its advantages in the database, which has a strong ability to support the database.The system connects to the database using JDBC technology.The way in software development using software engineering analysis, design software, and model the main general steps to complete the design, where the main software development method is object-oriented software development methods.

  This system has the a la carte features, intelligent access to dishes, automated billing function, turnover reporting capabilities, and inherit Java's "Write Once, Run Anywhere" the advantages that can run on any system.The advantages of this system can give full play to the client's processing power to run the data load on the server relatively light, and the data storage management more transparent.

  Keywords: Hotel management system, SQL Server 2005, MyEclipse, Java




学制: 1年 学费: 16000

上课地点: 深圳 授课方式:网络班/面授班



