



  Paper One(试卷一)(100minutes)

  Part1 Oral Communication(15 minutes: 10points)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has threeblanks and three choices A,B and C, taken from the dialogue, Fill in each ofthe blanks with one ofthe choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Dialogue One

  A. Thanks or being supportive.

  B. Wasn't that today?

  C.I was really nervous about it.

  Nathan: Hey, Alicia?

  Alicia: Oh hey, I' glad we had time to met up.

  Nathan: Me too.So,how did your interview go?__1__

  Alicia: Oh, yeah. I think it went well. I don't know if I got the job yet, but they would call in a few days.

  Nathan: Well, I'm sure you did great. Good luck

  Alicia:Thanks.I'mjust happy thatit'sover.__2__

  Nathan: I can understand that. I get nervous before interviews, too.


  Nathan: Sure, no problem.


  Dialogue Two

  A. I need both of those for sure.

  B. That's a little expensive for a beat-up book like that.

  C.You can really save some money that way.

  Carl: Hey, Sis. Are you interested in buying some used books for school?__4__

  Ashley: Well, what do you have?

  Carl:I have a science book, Today's World, and I'm selling it for thirty dollars.

  Ashley:Thirty?__5__What else are you selling?

  Carl:Well, I have an English writing textbook for fourteen dollars, a math book for twenty-three.and a novel for only seven bucks.

  Ashley: I'1l take the English book and thenovel.__6__I think 11l hold off on buying otherbooks for now


  Section B

  A.Could I have our phone number please?

  B.And may I ask who referred you to our offce?

  C.Do you happen to have an opening in the moming?

  D.Is this your first visit?

  Receptionist: Dr.Carter's Office.

  Ronald: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see DrCarter, please.


  Ronald: Yes, it is.

  Receptionist: Okay. Could I have your name please?

  Ronald:Yes. My name is Ronald Schuller.


  Ronald: Uh,I drove past your office yesterday.

  Receptionist: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4.00 pm.?

  Ronald: Uh.__9__I usually pick up my kids from school round that time.

  Receptionist: Okay. Um.how about Tuesday at 8:00am.or Thursday at 8:15am?

  Ronald: Well, in that case, Thursday would be fne.


  Ronald: It's 643-0547


  Part I Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points)

  Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined.Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of thesentence,Marhvoir answer on the dnswer Sheet.

  11.These trends indicate that forts to hire more women in academia have not been fruitful

  A .successful B.worthwhile C.serious D.consistent

  12. The Prime linister is expected to unveil the yearly plan for economic recovery later.

  A.explain B.postpone C.reveal D.approve

  13. We are told that the pictures painted on some ofthe vases were not ofreal people but characters from legends

  A.cartoons B.poems C.myths D.novels

  14. After retirement, he finds country life preferable to living in the city.

  A.cheaper than B. better than C.comparable to D.similar to

  15. Heavyrainfall could also trigger massive flooding, bringing more misery to millions

  A. cause B.increase C.expect D.transform

  16.Higher minimum wage laws, better training, and hour protections all can help bring up jobquality for older workers.

  A.impact B.lower C.analyze D.raise

  17.Numerous tests have shown that in most instances the disease can be controlled by medication.

  A.cases B.fomms C.studies D.types

  18.Jim strode off down a row ofbooks and started pulling them offthe shelves at random.

  A.carefully B. quietly C.aimlessly D.suddenly

  19. These new flights help to inspire competition and offer more choices for travelers between countres.

  A.eliminate B. stimulate C.reduce D.upgrade

  20.To activate the promotion procedure you just need to fill in therequired personal infomation.

  A. speed B. follow C. start D.push



  Part III Reading Comprehension(25 points)

  Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements,each with four choices A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Passage One

  Who says your job leaves you no time to hit the gym? A detailed new study of U.S.physical activity patterns shows that men who work full-time whether their jobs are active or sedentary end up getting more exercise than healthy working-age men without a job.

  The new study comes from researchers at the National Institutes of Health(NIH). As part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in, some 1,800 working-age adults were asked a duyan.battery of questions about their lifestyle and work habits, and, crucially, they then agreed to wear an accelerometer-a device to measure their physical activity -over the course of several days.

  Those data from accelerometers provide a rare opportunity to nail down how much activity the actually does. They show that men or women who work in active jobs do more physical activity on weekdays than men or women working in sedentary jobs. That's perhaps not surprising, but the NIH researchers suggest that it still matters because of an ongoing shift in the economy toward sedentary work.

  The more surprising finding is the one that compares full-time workers to people who don't work. The study shows that men with full-time jobs do more physical activity than healthy men without jobs. ("Healthy man,"in this case, were those men who said their primary reason for being out of work was something other than health or disability.)In fact, even sedentary full time workers performed more weekday physical activity overall than the healthy non-workers. The results looked very different for women. Women in sedentary jobs did less physical activity on weekdays than their healthy non-working peers.

  So what drives the gender(性别)difference? The study looks at the patterns, and unfortunately can't provide too much detail about their causes. There could be many possible answers, including, perhaps, different abilities to pay for leisure time activities, or different attitudes about work and physical activity, It could also be that more non-working women than men are choosing to be at home running around full-time after the kids.

  But the NIH researchers do find evidence, they write, to suggest that, whatever causes the difference, healthy non-working women are replacing work with active pursuits whereas for some reason(non-working)men generally are not.

  21.The word"sedentary"(Para.1)probably means

  A.being out of job

  B.working part-time

  C. sitting for a long time

  D. being passive in life

  22.What is the function of the accelerometers in the study?

  A. They record the amount of activity.

  B. They provide people with more energy.

  C.They indicate gender differences.

  D. They push people to be more active.

  23. Who do the most physically activity according to the study?

  A People with sedentary jobs.

  B. People with active jobs.

  C. Healthy women with no jobs.

  D. Healthy men with full-time jobs.

  24. What is the significance of the study?

  A. It indicates the ongoing economic trend.

  B. It provides evidence for gender differences.

  C. It reveals the typical American physical activity patterns.

  D. It explains the relation work and leisure.

  25.Which of the following is true about non-working women?

  A. They are busy with their kids all the time.

  B. They are generally from wealthy families.

  C. They engage themselves in other activities.

  D. They rely on their husbands for a living.


  Passage two

  Popular fireworks should be replaced with cleaner drone and laser light shows to avoid the "highly damaging" impact on wildlife, domestic pets and the broader environment, new Curtain-led research has found.

  The new research, published in Pacific Conservation Biology, examined the environmental toll of firework displays by reviewing the ecological effects of Diwali festivities in India, Fourth of July celebrations across the United States of America, and other events in New Zealand and parts of Europe.

  Examples included fireworks in Spanish festivals impacting the breeding success of House Sparrows, July firework displays being implicated in the decline of Brandt's Cormorant colonies in California, and South American sea lions changing their behavior during breeding season as a result of New Year's fireworks in Chile.

  Lead author Associate Professor Bill Bateman, from Curtin's School of Molecular and Life Sciences, said fireworks remained globally popular despite the overwhelming evidence that they negatively impacted wildlife, domestic animals and the environment. "Fireworks create short-term noise and light disturbances that cause distress in domestic animals that may be managed before or after a firework event, but the impacts to wildlife can be on a much larger scale,"Associate Professor Bateman said.

  "The annual timing of some large-scale firework events coincides with the migratory or reproductive movements of wildlife, and may therefore have adverse long-term population effects mon them. Fireworks also produce significant pulses of highly pollutant materials that also contribute significantly to the chemical pollution of soil, water, and air, which has implications for human as well as animal health."

  Associate Professor Bateman said firework bans at sensitive periods could limit the impact, aswell as drone or other light-based shows. "Other than horses, for which there is some evidence that they can be gradually familiarized with flashes of light, there is very little (?) that can be done to address the disturbing impact of noise from fireworks on animals and wildlife," Bateman said.

  "The future of firework displays may be in the use of safer and greener alternatives such as drones, eco-friendly fireworks or visible-wavelength lasers for light shows.

  "There is growing evidence that these community events can be managed in a sustainable wayand it's clear that out-dated firework displays need to be replaced by cleaner options that are not harmful to wildlife and the environm ent."

  26.The research team examined the impact of fireworks by____

  A. doing experim ents on animals

  B. conducting a large-scale survey

  C. interviewing environmentalists

  D. carrying out an ecological review

  27. Big firework events held at certain periods each year____

  A. cause animals to lose their sight and hearing

  B. reduce the breeding rate of domestic animals

  C. pose threats to the migration of wild animals

  D. are gradually familiarized by wildlife

  28.According to the research, what animals can partially adapt to fireworks?

  A.sparrows. B. sea lions C.cormorants. D.horses.

  29. Bateman suggests that a green alternative to fireworks could be____

  A. drones B. parades C. travels D.circus shows

  30.Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?

  A. Popular fireworks constitute a primary source of pollution.

  B. Fireworks have short-and long-term impact on environment.

  C. Ecological effect of fireworks should not be overstated.

  D. Fireworks are outdated and should be banned.


  Passage Three

  The past two years have shown that employees desire greater flexibility- and they're willing to change jobs to get it. Flexibility has tremendous benefits for employees, including reduced burnout and greater job satisfaction. However, it can also result in spiraling coordination costs for managers, large amounts of wasted effort, and the inability to respond quickly to client requests. The brief meetings that once allowed teams to promptly brainstorm solutions and align efforts are now harder to pull together. It can take days to get most members in the same virtual place at the same time (including one person who's half-listening from the dentist's chair).

  To increase employee flexibility on their teams, managers need guidance and support -otherwise, they could burn out on the job or check out to find a new one. Here are some ways managers can offer their teams flexibility without breaking under the coordination costs or significantly stalling progress.

  First, rethink when employees works together. For complex tasks that require teamwork, it's notduyan. feasible to provide employees with complete flexibility (i.e., the ability to work for any duration at any time). However, returning to the standard in-office work week won't work either. Thus, managers will need to think differently and deeply about project requirements and schedule accordingly.

  For project-based workflows, managers should carefully chart out the project tasks and timeline and issue an advance request for employees to block a specific set of days for overlapping work during key project phases (e.g., kickoff, mid-point, finalization). For less predictable workflows, consider aligning scheduling bursts with calendar time. For example, during the second week of the month, employees are expected to be working from 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Eastem, then they're allowed to choose which 40 hours(+/-10) they work weekly during the rest of the month.

  Second, rethink who works together. To provide greater flexibility, managers may also need to reorganize their larger teams into multi-team systems of smaller, empowered, and interconnected groups. For example, converting your team of nine into three teams of three empowers them to make decisions and makes it easier for employees to help coordinate their work. Besides, managers must think more deeply than ever about the structure of their employees'tasks and priorities. Understanding the connections between different tasks is especially crucial for setting priorities to avoid bottlenecks. If everything is a priority, nothing is a priority.

  31. Employees desire greater flexibility because it means._____

  A. higher efficiency

  B.longer vacations

  C.less exhaustion

  D.lighter workloads

  32. The main idea of Paragraph 1 is that greater employee flexibility may_____

  A. bring huge benefits to employees

  B. increase productivity of a company

  C. affect response to client requests

  D.pose great challenges to managers

  33.For managers, increasing employee flexibility._____

  A. is necessary and possible

  B. depends on their personal will

  C. is difficult but economical

  D. improves team coordination

  34.The word "block"(Para. 4) is closest in meaning to ."_____".

  A.propose B.put off C.set aside D.restrict

  35.The following suggestions are given to managers EXCEPT_____

  A. adjusting project schedules

  B. providing better work conditions

  C.establishing multi-team systems

  D. setting clear tasks and priorities


  Passage Four

  Conversation goes far beyond talking. It also involves eyes, smiles, and the silences between the words. When those elements between the words. When those elements hum along together, conversational partners feel most deeply engaged and connected

  Like good conversationalists, Dartmouth College scientists have taken that idea and carried it to new places. They reported some surprising findings on the interplay between eye contact and how two people synchronize during conversation nerve activity while talking.

  The researchers suggest, in a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, that being in tune with a conversation a partner is good.-but that occasionally falling out of sync might be even better.

  Making eye contact has long been thought to act as the glue that connects two people in conversation. Its absence can signal failure of social function. Similarly,the growing study along this line has largely focused on the way synchrony in individuals brain activity benefits the social connection between them.

  Earlier research by the Dartmouth lab had showed that synchronized pupil expansion serves as a reliable indicator of shared attention, which in turn marks greater nerve synchrony.

  In the new study, which measured pupil expansion during unstructured 10-minute conversations, the researchers found that the moment of making eye contact-rather than a sustained period of locked gazes-marks a peak in shared attention. Synchrony, in fact, drops sharply just after you look into your conversation partners'eyes and begins to recover when you and that person look away from each other. "Eye contact is not with eliciting synchrony; it's disrupting it," says Wheatley, the paper's senior author.

  Why would this happen? Wheatley contends that making and breaking eye contact ultimately propels the conversation forward"Perhaps what this is doing is allowing us to break synchrony and move back into our own heads so that we can bring forth new and individual contributions to keep the conversation going."Wheatley says.

  Connections between gaze and synchrony might be relevant to research in autism(0fl6) and other mental disorders that involve non-typical interaction. The findings also help explain frustrations over video conferencing platforms, on which real eye contact is nearly impossible to make or break-because of the positioning of cameras and windows on screens.

  36. It can be learned that Dartmouth College scientists discovered that____

  A.conversation ismore than talking

  B.doubted the design of conversational research

  C.explained the findings of conversationalists

  D.foundinterpersonal synchrony not always desirable

  37. Previous research on eye contact focused on ____·

  A.its role in keeping people connected

  B.pattems in social interaction

  C.the resources of poor social relations

  D.flow of brain activity in conversations

  38. What is the finding in Wheatley's new study?

  A.Expansion indicates shared attention.

  B. Synchrony is key to success

  C.Shared attention is highest at initial eye contact.

  D.Synchrony keeps pace with eye contact

  39.How did Wheatley account for the role of eye contact changes?

  A. To create a proper setting for a conversation.

  B. To make people feel respected by others.

  C.To encourage people's independent insights.

  D. To work together with participants'words.

  40. What is the implication of Wheatley's research findings?

  A. Improvement of conversational research design.

  B. Understanding of deficits in communication.

  C. Creativity on patterns of typical interactions.

  D.Reduction of stress over video conferences.


  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you are required to read one blog and the comments on it. The blog and comments are followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four choices A, B, c and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Talking about worry, I think of the most anxiety-provoking time of my life. It was 2008, and 1 was pregnant with my first child. At my ultrasound checkup, my husband and I leamed that our son would be borm with a congenital(先天的) heart condition. This condition is fatal if not with corrected through open-heart surgery within months of birth. For the remainder of my pregnancy, I was almost never completely free of worry: How can we get him the best care? How will this affect his life?

  Doesn't this mean that 1 should prevent worry as soon as possible? Yet, that is exactly the wrong thing to do. Suppressing thoughts and feelings never works-and paradoxically increases anxiety while reinforcing the belief that worries are uncontrollable.

  I discovered this for myself with my son's heart condition. My worries were constant and exhausting, but putting them aside didn't work. So I tried the opposite. I used my worries. Every time I worried, I went into action mode: I read every paper published on the condition, I asked our nurses and doctors a million questions, and imagined best- and worst-case scenarios so I could plan each detail of my son's care. Gradually, I learn to worry smart and eventually worry less.

  Our son is now 14 years old. He loves playing the piano, writing, and wrestling. As his doctors told us after his surgery, there are no restrictions on what he can do.


  I agree, but meditation helps as well.


  I'm one of those "stare at the dark ceiling trying to get to sleep" worriers. I find that it helps tremendously if run a mile after dinner.

  Comment 3

  Maybe these are good ideas; maybe not. Maybe some of them will work for some people and some not. But where is the science behind any of it?


  If were only so easy, especially for those of us who suddenly wake at 3 a.m.most nights where every problem and worry is magnified to the power of 10.

  Comment 5

  A simple way I look at this is to say to myself, "Will I be a worrier or a warrior(战士)?"Then I act on what I am worried about in some constructive way.

  41.What does the author think of the effort to prevent worry?

  A. It only works at the beginning.

  B. It should start as soon as possible

  C.It makes the problem even worse.

  D. It is a simple and effective solution.

  42. The author's action mode involves the following activities EXCEPT____

  A. reading scientific literature

  B. taking some medical courses

  C.making a thorough action plan

  D.consulting medical professionals

  43.Comment 3 indicates that the author's suggestions____

  Alack support from scientific research

  B. can be applied to a wider population

  C. look at worry from a new perspective

  D. may lead to considerable confusion

  44. Which comment questions the feasibility of the author's suggestions?

  A.Comment 1.

  B.Comment 2.

  C.Comment 4.

  D. Comment 5.

  45. Which comments offer ways of relieving worries?

  A.Comments 1 and 3

  B.Comments 3 and4

  C.Comments 2 and 4.

  D. Comments 2 and 5

  Part IV Cloze(10 minutes, 10points)

  Directions: In this part, there is a passage with ten blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked A.B.C, and D.Choose the best answer for each blank and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet

  Millions of years ago, a volcano(火山) built a mountain on the floor of the Atlantic. In eruption after eruption, it__46__ up a great pile of volcanic rock, until it had accumulated a mass of hundred miles across at its base, reaching__47__ toward the surface of the sea, emerging as an island of about two hundred square miles. Thousands of years passed, and thousands of thousands.__48__ the waves of the Atlantic reduced it to a small fragment above water. This fragment we know__49__ Bermuda.

  With variations, the life story of Bermuda has been repeated by almost every one of the __50__ that interrupt the watery expanses of the ocean far from land. These __51__ islands in the sea are fundamentally different from the continents. The major land masses and the ocean basins __52__ are much as they have been throughout the greater part of geologic time. But islands are created today, destroyed tomorrow. They are the __53__ of the violent, explosive, earth-shaking eruptions of submarine volcanoes, working perhaps for millions of years to achieve their end.

  Islands have always __54__much attention.Our imaginations can follow its shapes downthrough darkening waters to __55__ it rests on the sea floor. We wonder why and how it rose here inthe midst ofthe ocean.

  46.A.washed B.lifted C.pushed D. moved

  47.A.upward B.downward C.forward D.backward

  48.A.Suddenly B.Admittedly C.Practically D.Eventually

  49.A. by B. like C.as D. of

  50.A.rocks B.islands C. lands D. seas

  51.A.forgotten B.man-made C.lost D.isolated

  52.A.today B.yesterday C.tomorrow D. once

  53.A.cause B.problem C.result D.change

  54.A.attacked B.arrested C. attached attracted

  55.A.what B.where C.how D.when

  46~50【答案】BADCB 51~55【答案】DACDB

  Part V Text completion (20 minutes,20 points)

  Text One

  A.demand B.land C.immediately


  A. satisfy the global__ 56__ for beef

  B. are converted to grazing__ 57__

  C.can do it __58__

  Cutting meat consumption is a powerful and personal thing most Americans can do to tackle the climate crisis, and they __59__ About 40 percent of greenhouse gases come from agriculture, deforestation and other land-use changes. Meat-particularly beef-drives climate change in two ways: first, through cows' emission of a greenhouse gas, and second, by destroying forests as they__60__.Despite the economic slowdown in recent years, atmospheric greenhouse gas levels continued to rise in 2020, in large part because of an emissions increase in the Amazon as rain forests were changed into land for cattle to __61__ .By eating less beef, we can start to decrease that demand.


  Text Two

  A.poorly B.complicated C.cause


  A. are many viruses that __62__ colds

  B.are still so __63__ understood

  C.is more __64__ than it appears

  One would think that with so many people having colds and so many hours of productivity being lost, scientists would know very well about the common cold. But the disease 65 at first. In the last few years have researchers gained common knowledge about the agents responsible for it. For one thing, there 66.

  The fact that colds are caused by viruses suggests some means of prevention and treatment. Because the environmental and physiological circumstances for the development of colds __67__ there is little one can do to prevent them beyond avoiding persons with "new colds"or staying away from others when one has a new cold.

  62~67【答案】CAB CAB

  Text Three

  A.were afraid of

  B.in this society

  C. going on

  D.failed to


  A.a signal that __68__ men belong in the office

  B.something __69__ with British culture

  C.most men who __70__ take the proposal

  D. two out of five men __71__ asking for flexible working

  A report showed that almost half of all man failed to take up their offering of two weeks paternity leave(陪产假).The institution which carried out the research found that __72__ did so because they felt unable to afford it.

  The research was not restricted to paternity leave. It also found that __73__ lest it harm their careers by making them appear uncommitted.

  Clearly there is__74__. and one thing driving our culture is the legal framework in which it operates. Compared to the two-week patemity leave for men, women have a one-year offering. The unequal offerings are __75__ while women should take the lead at home.

  68~75【答案】BCDA CDBA

  Paper Two(试卷二)参考答案及解析

  Part VI Translation(10 points)

  Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese, Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Robots often have trouble picking up objects-they need to be trained on exactly where to reach and how to grasp. One problem is that they can't touch. They can't judge how firmly or softly to hold something. Now engineers have made a tool called TacTip. It's a 3D printed robotic fingertip with a rubbery outer "skin". Below the skin are tiny,stiff pins. when TacTip touches something, a camera inside watches those pins getting pushed around. The researchers also added a microphone inside the fingertip, which helps judge vibrations. With all this information, the tool was pretty good at touching different fabrics and telling them apart.



  Part VII Writing(15 points)

  Directions: Write a composition in no less than 150 words on the topic: Why so many people pursue graduate studies. You could write according to the hints given below. Write your composition on the Answer Sheet.

  It is reported that a record number of more than 4.5 million people sat for the national exam for postgraduate enrollment in 2022, a 21.2% increase over the year before. Why do so many people choose to pursue graduate studies? Give your comments.


  As is known to all, graduate studies can play a crucial role in our success. Where there are graduate studies, there are more hopes, vitality and development.

  Concerning the above-mentioned philosophy, we have come up with various views on it as illustrated below. Initially, graduate studies may endow us with more competence and chances to overcome difficulties and approach challenges, thus we can win others'favor and respect. Additionally, graduate studies can help us carve out a way to success, although the road lead to success is bumpy and ful of inevitable setbacks. Finally, with the good fortune derived from graduate studies, we can proceed more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly.

  With its seemingly magic power, graduate studies can not only better accelerate individuals' development, but serve as an efficient instrument for individuals to change the world. (Graduate studies can lead us to the destination we are eager to reach, bring out the best of us and keep us confident.)







